Feel free to share any cards ideas you may have.
Maybe some will reach the ears of the designers (after all a GOOD idea is a GOOD idea no ?).
Judge by yourself, but try to not overpower them for their cost/loyalty.
Think of their possible loops (and break them) and try to be as precise as possible in the description - If possible use the technical language of the game and the form I used to present your ideas (see below).
Try to ''create'' cards that do not ruins the play of the adversaries or leave them totally defenseless.
Of course like all players I have a few ideas myself and here is one :
NAME : Standard of Sigmar
COST : 3
TYPE : Support
TRAITS : Banner
DESCRIPTION : Order only (The banner of Sigmar provides two empire loyalty symbols.)
PERSONAL COMMENTS : Of course, one for each faction should be available. This Banner tough not overpowered (I think) would give a chance to legends to appear in more competitive decks I guess.