Cards Ideas

By Gog-Lutin, in Warhammer Invasion Off Topic

Feel free to share any cards ideas you may have.

Maybe some will reach the ears of the designers (after all a GOOD idea is a GOOD idea no ?).

Judge by yourself, but try to not overpower them for their cost/loyalty.

Think of their possible loops (and break them) and try to be as precise as possible in the description - If possible use the technical language of the game and the form I used to present your ideas (see below).

Try to ''create'' cards that do not ruins the play of the adversaries or leave them totally defenseless.


Of course like all players I have a few ideas myself and here is one :

NAME : Standard of Sigmar

COST : 3

TYPE : Support

TRAITS : Banner


DESCRIPTION : Order only (The banner of Sigmar provides two empire loyalty symbols.)

PERSONAL COMMENTS : Of course, one for each faction should be available. This Banner tough not overpowered (I think) would give a chance to legends to appear in more competitive decks I guess.

It should cost maximum alleiance banners!3 is really awful...with 3 I can play derricksburg forge+lot of things at cost 2 which provide one power and 1 loyalty...and mani other races can do it better...even caos with marauders (cost 3 2 powers 1 hp)...and so on!

But your Idea of posting cards is great!

P.S:the problem with legends is not the cost, but that they couldn't be worth of their cost! If you play Karl Franz in late game(when maybe you should be good in loyalty and resources) with some knight in your quest/kingdom and maybe a Higher ground in battlefield it can hurt badly your oppenent!And Imagin what you can do with only four develops in battlefield and Kairos appears...

Morathy, whos is cheap for a Legend, is most of the time useless (Better, its useful only if you save lot of resources heach turn)

You're right.

A cost of three is too high... 2 is better... but I feel like its a bit overpowered for a cost of 2.. no ?

Make it a Limited card then?

"No way!"

Neutral Tactics at 0 cost (0 is important)

Action : Play to cancel a Tactic card just played that does not have any target.

Screw Verena! o/

Goglutin said:

You're right.

A cost of three is too high... 2 is better... but I feel like its a bit overpowered for a cost of 2.. no ?

Get rid of the one power icon, make it a cost of 2.