By Olivier Rosseeuw, in Battles of Napoleon

Hello Guys,

Does someboby know where we can find new historic scenarii and if a Scenario Creation Tool exists, like for "Tide of Iron" ??

It could be interesting for this Napoleonic Community to start to share ideas and Scenarii.

Thanks and good games ! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Hi Olivier,

I didn't see anything anywhere. Fortunately, as we just started playing, the scenarios provided will keep us busy for the months to come. Of course, sooner or later, we'll need to go hunting for new scenario. Let's keep in touch about this!



Olivier Rosseeuw said:

Hello Guys,

Does someboby know where we can find new historic scenarii and if a Scenario Creation Tool exists, like for "Tide of Iron" ??

It could be interesting for this Napoleonic Community to start to share ideas and Scenarii.

Thanks and good games ! gui%C3%B1o.gif

I thought the name for that game was tide of plastic? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Anyway, I am interested too.
