Khornite Psykers?

By Gillam Harrow, in Black Crusade

Well ppl,

tzeentch is change and mutability ... nurgle is just one thing death and stagnation that makes them enemys in my eyes .

for khorne and slaneesh its in my eyes like..

pleasure and art vs destruction and carnage

my two cents

Seeker said:

Well ppl,

tzeentch is change and mutability ... nurgle is just one thing death and stagnation that makes them enemys in my eyes .

for khorne and slaneesh its in my eyes like..

pleasure and art vs destruction and carnage

my two cents

Nurgle actually doesn't represent death. Stagnation, yes, but Nurgle typically represents Life. You pray to Nurgle if you want to not die, and he hits you with something that keeps you alive...but he doesn't tell you that you still decay.

Life for his servants. Death to everybody else who suffer his diseases.

Lord Ork said:

Life for his servants. Death to everybody else who suffer his diseases.

Plague Zombies...they're not totally Dead...

Also Nurgle's Rot used to turn people into Plague Bearers. I like that bit of fluff even if it's out of date.

Arguments can (and have been) made for any of the chaos gods to hate any of the other chaos gods.

The rivalries between gods was actually switched from what it was in the old days. It was originally Khorne vs Tzeetch but has been changed to "officially" be Khorne vs Slaanesh. Personally, I'm against the idea of the individual hatreds and just say that given the right circumstances, any god's followers could cooperate with any other god's followers. Which to me is the whole point of Black Crusade.

jareddm said:

Arguments can (and have been) made for any of the chaos gods to hate any of the other chaos gods.

The rivalries between gods was actually switched from what it was in the old days. It was originally Khorne vs Tzeetch but has been changed to "officially" be Khorne vs Slaanesh. Personally, I'm against the idea of the individual hatreds and just say that given the right circumstances, any god's followers could cooperate with any other god's followers. Which to me is the whole point of Black Crusade.

It's been Khorne vs Slaanesh since the Realms of CHaos books were released (1st ed 40k...what 3rd or 4th ed Fantasy?) As I recall those were the original mentions of them, so I'm not sure where you got your info from.

any psyker who tries to gain the favor of the blood god if kill by order of Khorne himself. He send his hounds to devour them.

The book's out, so I can finally say this:

Are you a psyker? Did you start worshiping Khorne (ie. take lots of Khorne-aligned Talents and Skills). Guess what then - all your powers just stopped working. Either worship someone else, or learn to live without them.

That's basically how it works.


misanthrope555 said:

any psyker who tries to gain the favor of the blood god if kill by order of Khorne himself. He send his hounds to devour them.

^ This. Or he throws a giant brass skull down upon psykers and wizards of the other chaos gods (See Storm of Magic). Khorne hates magic, socery, wizardry or anything of the sort. It's why his daemons have magic resistance!

the realm of chaos books were for 40k first and fantasybasttle third ed.