The Guide

By Kylearan2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


the guide allows the heroes to roll one die less when checking for an encounter on the overland map. Does that mean that on a trail where you have to roll only one die, they don't have to roll at all and automatically get no encounter?

In combination with the Staff of the Wild, which lets you move two trails per week and choose which trail you want to do for the encounter roll, this seems to take encounters out of the game entirely. When moving two trails, there's almost always one trail with only one die, which then gets reduced to zero dice = no encounter. This seems to be quite odd...


I thought that was odd also. Most of the red trails have only 1 die to roll, and with the guide, the party could reduce that to zero, which most of the red encounters wont ever get played.

I'm thinking of house ruling it so that it is a minimum of 1.

Then again, there is this in combination with the "pretty useless" Lawlessness upgrade. With this in play, the 2 could cancel out?

Paul Grogan said:

Then again, there is this in combination with the "pretty useless" Lawlessness upgrade. With this in play, the 2 could cancel out?

I don't see why they shouldn't.

On the other hand, apparently later in the campaign the heroes are so powerful that an encounter can rarely harm them - so they will rather add dice than remove them, to power up from the encounters. There is gold and XP to be had in there after all.

Paul Grogan said:

Then again, there is this in combination with the "pretty useless" Lawlessness upgrade. With this in play, the 2 could cancel out?

Yeah if an OL has a problem w heroes skipping encounters, just get lawlessness, and there ya go. It's only 5 XP, any OL should be able to afford it. I like that card, especially early on when encounters are tougher for the heroes. For an initial 15XP, you can get lawlessness, plus the card that lets you ditch overlord cards, and a small 5xp card to upgrade your avatar. That gives you a lot of initial benefits, makes it harder for the heroes to get around, and makes your deck stronger for the early dungeons when the heroes are weakest.

I actually almost always get lawlessness as one of my initial upgrades. Early in the game, encounters are exceptionally dangerous, so making them more common is FUN!!! :-D