A change to charge?

By Jackal_Strain, in Deathwatch House Rules

Charging is generally considered inferior to just standing there and waiting for your foe to charge you, so you can use your awesme swift/lightning attack/two weapon wielder combo.

The +10 bonus is not a good way representing a charge imo. Running towards someone is actually a good way of decreasing your chances of landing a blow, but you might do more damage.

So how about a bonus to damage when you charge? How about ditching the +10 bonus, but adding the tearing quality tp the attack? Weapons that allready have the tearing quality could get concussive maybe? Or how about a flat +d10 damage?

I haven't really thought this through, but it's clear that many people are unhappy with how the charge mechanics are handled right now.

Remember the other bonus of charging: The free intimidation check!

Jackal_Strain said:

Charging is generally considered inferior to just standing there and waiting for your foe to charge you, so you can use your awesme swift/lightning attack/two weapon wielder combo.

The +10 bonus is not a good way representing a charge imo. Running towards someone is actually a good way of decreasing your chances of landing a blow, but you might do more damage.

So how about a bonus to damage when you charge? How about ditching the +10 bonus, but adding the tearing quality tp the attack? Weapons that allready have the tearing quality could get concussive maybe? Or how about a flat +d10 damage?

I haven't really thought this through, but it's clear that many people are unhappy with how the charge mechanics are handled right now.

The only reasonable solution I see for this is giving chargers limited access to multiple attack (like being able to use Swift Attack but not Lightning Attack on the charge). Limited because you must preserve Preternatural Speed's advantages.


How about giving the charger the options to make two attacks at -10 Ws when he charges as a full action? Regardless of whether he possesses swift or lightning attack?

We've been using the house rule adding 1d10 to charge damage, and also making the advoidenace of the charge attack an Opposed Test.

This has really worked well for us, making charging worthwhile, but bear in mind it will make certain creatures much more capable of harming marines (which we quite liked too).

That is actually quite close to how I originally thought about doing it. I'd like to maybe add something that increased the chance of knocking your opponent down or back.

When we were playing DW on more or less house ruled DW mecha we have changed charge action a bit. It was change truly needed as charge was weak choice if enemy was able to retaliate with Multiattack.

First change: No attack bonus while making charge attack - attack after charge isnt easier.

Second change: Additional strenght multiplier for damage roll - u add force of charging marine clad in power armour to blow.

and last change: if enemy was hit and damaged and of same or lesser size (easier with additional SB multiplier) he need to test Ag (or Strength), if this test is failed enemy is knocked down, if test succeed with less than 2 DoS u don't fall down but lose half action as u try to keep on your legs, if u scored more than 2 DoS u don't lose that half action and u keep balance - not to realistic but at least gives charge some usefulness and some protection to multiattack retaliation.

With warcry and additional talent upgrades working in normal way.

This is the final changes I've made to charge and will test out in the group where I'm the Gm.

Change the +10 to hit with an extra d10 damage. If the attacking character hits with more than 2 degrees of success or deals more than twice the targets St bonus after reduction for armor (but not toughness), he may immediately attempt a knockdown action as a free action.

As we saw it, only half of the 'problem' with charging is the low damage, the other is that a single attack is (relatively) easily avoided, hence why we made dodging/parrying a charge an opposed check.

You could use a rule similar to accurate weapon quality + Aim for charge.
Per 2 DOS +1D10 max 2D10.