We played an 8-player game this weekend and had a lot of fun.
All of us agreed that everyone of us would love to have an edition with plenty of everything, because sometimes something lacked.
Right now there are not enough +1 ground troops +1 fighters and sometimes the trade goods ran short. Customized ships and units to each race would be nice, and even nicer art on the tiles would be great.
All in all we all would buy an "Ultimate" edition of Twilight Imperium in an instant should it ever emerge.
To the producers, even some sheets of +1's would also be great if that was what we could buy from the store.
In otherwords: More!
We played with both expansions, and there are now plenty of +3's, but not enough +1's for an eight player game.
Please post comments if you would also like to see an "UItimate"-edition of this game.