Collectors/Premium/Ultimate edition?

By NoNamium, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition


We played an 8-player game this weekend and had a lot of fun.

All of us agreed that everyone of us would love to have an edition with plenty of everything, because sometimes something lacked.

Right now there are not enough +1 ground troops +1 fighters and sometimes the trade goods ran short. Customized ships and units to each race would be nice, and even nicer art on the tiles would be great.

All in all we all would buy an "Ultimate" edition of Twilight Imperium in an instant should it ever emerge.

To the producers, even some sheets of +1's would also be great if that was what we could buy from the store.

In otherwords: More!

We played with both expansions, and there are now plenty of +3's, but not enough +1's for an eight player game.

Please post comments if you would also like to see an "UItimate"-edition of this game.

Seriously? You actually ran out of GF and FT bonus tokens?

8 player game or no, you boys need to stop turtling and start fighting!

Megatol Rex was taken over 3 times, 3 people had their home invaded, wast fleets were destroyed and rebuilt.

I don't think we were turtling, but an 8-player game takes it's toll on the counters.

Remember, the 8-player game requires two basic sets and has 4-rings outward from Megatol Rex. This means a lot more systems with a lot more planets needing more tokens.

Besides, wouldn't you like an Ultimate edtion?

I suggest buying another base set or if any of your buddies have the game also, they can bring a baggy of the needed tokens. I think a special edition would be cool, but i've already purchased all three parts and can't see spending extra coin for a game i already have.

NoNamium said:

Remember, the 8-player game requires two basic sets

Um, no it doesn't?

I've played plenty of 8 player games with one copy of the base game + Shattered Empire. And we've never run out of FT or GF tokens, even when some of us WERE turtling. Sure we've run out of TGs now and then, but they're a limited resource for a reason.

NoNamium said:

Besides, wouldn't you like an Ultimate edtion?

I'm sure it would be very pretty, but it would also be way too much money to spend on one board game. Especially a board game that I already own.

Steve-O said:

NoNamium said:

Remember, the 8-player game requires two basic sets

Um, no it doesn't?

I've played plenty of 8 player games with one copy of the base game + Shattered Empire. And we've never run out of FT or GF tokens, even when some of us WERE turtling. Sure we've run out of TGs now and then, but they're a limited resource for a reason.

NoNamium said:

Besides, wouldn't you like an Ultimate edtion?

I'm sure it would be very pretty, but it would also be way too much money to spend on one board game. Especially a board game that I already own.

Ok, I take it back then... wasn't expecting this kind of negativity from a constructive suggestion.

Apparently we play differently between our groups, but I also believe that there should be room for this.

I for one would love an Ultimate edtion instead of just buying an extra copy of the base-game

Personaly I would like to see a Collectors. Uniuqe ship sculpts per color, minis for the leaders, maybe all painted, plus some extras here and there (maybe special dice) I'd buy it!!

NoNamium said:

Ok, I take it back then... wasn't expecting this kind of negativity from a constructive suggestion.

I don't think my comments were especially negative. I have a different opinion from you, but that's not the end of the world. All I said was I wouldn't be interested. I didn't say you were foolish for wanting it or that it was even a bad idea. As I said, I'm sure it would be very pretty.

You're free to promote the idea of a collector's edition all you want. Please, go nuts. Who knows? Maybe FFG will even take you up on the suggestion. It's not like I have any more influence over what they do than you. When you post ideas in a public forum, you should be prepared for other people to comment on it with their ideas, but just because those people have different ideas doesn't mean you're wrong.

An uber-ultimate-exclusive-premium TI edition would be all sorts of sexy. Dreaming is free so we can speculate to our hearts' content. The edition could include a whole ton of esoteric enthusiast perks:

  • Extra-special homesystems, perhaps made of resin or pewter.
  • Why limit to the homesystems? Every tile could get the royal treatment. (Anyone here have the collector's edition of Settler's of Catan? 3D tiles, comes in a chest? What's that like?)
  • Compartmentalized boxes for the different colours, races and generic tokens.
  • Race-specific plastic (like the awesome job in the Starcraft boardgame)(Though this would be shear gravy in TI since the units are functionally the same. Maybe just Race-specific unique flagship pieces.)
  • Race-appropriate unique leader minis.
  • metal units with poker-chip-style locking/stacking +1/+3 tokens for extra GF/FTR
  • Coins or ingots or crates for trade goods
  • Lazy-Susan for strategy cards
  • Stand-up display for in-play objectives and victory point track with magnetic race tokens.
  • Some sort of containing frame for the galaxy, modular with enough flexibility to accommodate various galaxy sizes for different numbers of players.
  • Speaker token can be a huge medallion worn around the neck. Seal of Office kind of deal.
  • Unique sculpts for revealed artifacts.
  • Poster-sized snazzy-artsy tech chart.

For starters. lengua.gif

Sadly, such a product would be way out of my price-range. I would only covet.

As a prize for the TI tournament I ran at our local game convention recently, we awarded a 1st Edition Twilight Imperium that our committee snagged at an auction somewhere. It was not mint condition: the box was not wrapped and it was a little sunken in. However, none of the cardboard was punched. It was a beautiful piece of history and quite appreciated by the eventual victor (Sardak N'orr!). It made me realize that in comparison, TI3 is a premium edition; I'm very happy with what I have now and as is easily holds its own against every other game in my collection. happy.gif