Horned Rat - Nurgle dial advancement puzzle

By Oldster, in Chaos in the Old World

In last preview of The Horned Rat we can read "We saw Nurgle get four dial advances in one turn (advances, not just tokens - if he can pull off the combo, Nurgle actually has the ability to gain five dial advances in one turn."

How is that possible? I've chcecked all cards and I don't see it.

Yeah, maybe they mean dial advancement tokens. The most dial advancents Nurgle can ever gain in one turn is three (only one Nurgle's Quest), so that must clearly be a mistake.

Actually using Nurgle's quest you can get 4 advances. The immediate wheel advance does not stop you from getting a advancement token for the region nor does it stop you from getting a wheel advancement since the card effect is not a wheel advancement condition. So you can get 1 advance during combat phase, one during the domination phase and then 2 more if Nurge have the most wheel advancement tokens.

In fact depending on you read Filth you could also get a wheel advance during the summoning phase as well. Meaning Nurgle could possible get 5 wheel advances. Of course if this does happen that Nurgle player deserves to win and the other players should have to wear dunce caps with tentacles attached.