Battlestar Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers)

By Kennon, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

Because Kalee (or however her name is spelled) is a Cylon too!

Wow, that was sad. To the grand old lady.

*raises glass*

Could BSG be moving any more slowly? Honestly, did anything even happen in tonight's episode that they couldn't have covered in five minutes?

I found the episode to be quite good. Not everything has to be rushed and amazingly action packed.

In a sense, they're still doing what they've done a great job all along- turning our expectations on their head.

i find the most moving scenes (at least for me) involve Bill Adama breaking down emotionally. To watch all of the series and see him so stoic and a pillar of strength throughout so much ****, then to see him crack under the pressure. it is difficult to watch. Can't wait until next weeks episode.

so kara's purpose (though determined to be the harbinger of death) is still relativly unknown. Baltar spouts she's an angel. She has no clue. no one does (JUST BRING HER STUPID PLOT LINE TO AND END ALREADY). she is by far my least favorite character on the show and always has been. what the hell was she thinking trying to shoot anders? as soon as she drew her gun, i knew he'd wake up and stop her (doing that creepy hybrid double-speek... still creeps me out).

no chief this episode... /me is sad.

helo is completely broken. talk about a guy who has done nothing but what he thought was the right thing and having put up with more **** than **** near anyone else on galactica getting everything taken away from him in the blink of an eye. his plea to adama was pretty tough to watch. if anyone could understand what helo was going through, its probably adama.

guuurrrr.... i need some closure to all of this sooner rather than later. it is wareing on my nerves.

jmccarthy said:

Could BSG be moving any more slowly? Honestly, did anything even happen in tonight's episode that they couldn't have covered in five minutes?

I'm in the same boat. We've got three episodes left and this is what we get? Starbuck's story is boring me, sadly. We've already established all the characters, do we need all this "development?" I don't have a think against story and non-combat tension, but I just didn't feel any this episode. It just went right on by, and I almost feel like I could have not seen it and it wouldn't have made a difference. The only scene with any real tension was when the Quorom was fighting over who got what parts from Galactica.

Honestly, I am afraid the last two episodes might just be more of the same. I hope I am wrong; the series deserves so much more than this.


i am in full agreement with JJ and Tailgunner Joe here. I sat numb for about 30 seconds after Friday's epsidoe ended saying "Is that all?' Boomer and Hera? Baltar betraying Kara? Kara's story STILL going nowhere? Adama and tigh giving up on their ship?

Given how few espiodes are left - all of this was filler and could ahve been packed in in one 15 minute segement. Next week looks ot be cool - Adama is rallying folks for a new way mission. Could he be planning to use Galactica like the Japanese used Yamato - in one heroic kamikaze type mission to try and destroy the enemy? Keeping my fingers crossed that we will have more firewroks and resolution in the final episodes....

Stag Lord said:


i am in full agreement with JJ and Tailgunner Joe here. I sat numb for about 30 seconds after Friday's epsidoe ended saying "Is that all?' Boomer and Hera? Baltar betraying Kara? Kara's story STILL going nowhere? Adama and tigh giving up on their ship?

Given how few espiodes are left - all of this was filler and could ahve been packed in in one 15 minute segement. Next week looks ot be cool - Adama is rallying folks for a new way mission. Could he be planning to use Galactica like the Japanese used Yamato - in one heroic kamikaze type mission to try and destroy the enemy? Keeping my fingers crossed that we will have more firewroks and resolution in the final episodes....

Tailgunner Joe? Lol.

When Lee used the Pegasus on a suicide mission above New Caprica, I believe he took out four basestars. I don't think Galactica could take out more than two basestars, given its limited firepower compared to the Pegasus. Last time we saw the might of Brother Cavil's basestars was, I believe, when the rebel Cylons jumped to the "peace meeting" and were slaughtered in an ambush with no nearby resurrection ship, and I believe there were three or four basestars doing the attacking.

Galactica still has a few nuclear warheads, and the Cylon rebels have one basestar left, but I'm skeptical about the effectiveness of this suicide mission.

Hey, if Boomer goes all soft now because of Hera, when she had absolutely no qualms about beating the crap out of Athena and having sex with Helo (probably as both a sort of revenge against Athena as well as the hopes of getting pregant herself) THAT would be super lame. And if that unlikely outcome were to happen, I would pay huge, HUGE money to have Helo run into her with Hera and just flat our blow her frakking head off. I totally expect that boy to hijack a ship and get his daughter back.

So what was everyone thinking about the flashbacks? I thought they were good. I would have liked them if they'd taken place in oh...... season two or so. At this point? Not the right time at all.

Agreed. The flashbacks were really out of place for a penultimate episode. Guess they really are running short on ideas.

But it does look like we'll get that cool one way mission for Galactica the way i was hoping. I just want to have confirmation that Starbuck is another hybrioid and see a major bloodbath next Friday - and I'll be quite happy with the series and teh wrap up.

Stag Lord said:

Agreed. The flashbacks were really out of place for a penultimate episode. Guess they really are running short on ideas.

But it does look like we'll get that cool one way mission for Galactica the way i was hoping. I just want to have confirmation that Starbuck is another hybrioid and see a major bloodbath next Friday - and I'll be quite happy with the series and teh wrap up.

Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that BSG's networks were waiting to see how successful the first ten episodes of Season 4 would be before they decided to order up the last ten episodes. Maybe ten was too tall of an order?

all i can say is that this friday better not dissapoint or i may have a broken television :-P

The Nick-ler said:

all i can say is that this friday better not dissapoint or i may have a broken television :-P

Now I'm not sure if I want to invite you to my house to watch on the 48" TV.

So, no comments on the Finale, yet?

I, for one, was very disappointed in the penultimate episde, but feel they vindicated themselves well with the final 2 hours. I felt shock, joy, sadness, righteous vengeance (Frack you, Tory!), and, ultimately, closure - which is a rare thing in today's "end 'em before they start, or run 'em into the ground" approach to television shows.

Farewell to a grand show.


i need to watch it again to really come up with a verdict on whether or not i thought it was a good ending. Part 2 didn't dissapoint, but part 3 was... i just don 't konw how to feel about it. so i will reserve judgement until i watch them again.

Funniest moment in the entire series:

Gaius Baltar saying something to the effect of: "That area over there looks good for cultivation. I know something about farming."

I laughed so hard, for so long.

I thought it was an excellent finale.

Teh writers have disappointed me at times with where they decided to go with the material, but teh finale to teh series was eevryhting ic oudl have wnated (except teh bit about all modern humans being aprt Cylon - that makes NO sense). But the characters all got nice finishes to tehir story arc. They gave us an hour and a half of OMG, jaw dropping action and surprises and they expalined nearly everything. It was greta to see characters like Tory, Boomer and Cavil get theirs, although a few more of the good guys could have died to really add emotional imapct.

I also liekd the storng spiritual theme running through the final storyline. A ncie touch in this day and age.

and so what was the deal with Kara? i'm guessing she was a ghost - a tradiitonal, old fashioned ghost who came back with unfinished business. Very nice, very touching wrap up to ehr story.

Big thumbs up here.

Stag Lord said:

I also liekd the storng spiritual theme running through the final storyline. A ncie touch in this day and age.

and so what was the deal with Kara? i'm guessing she was a ghost - a tradiitonal, old fashioned ghost who came back with unfinished business. Very nice, very touching wrap up to ehr story.

Big thumbs up here.

I thought it was a good finale, with the splashes of vibrant green and blue a welcome departure from the years of dark and dank sets.

As for Starbuck, my take on it was that she was exactly what Baltar said during the memorial service--an angel, though not of a strictly Christian type. More a blending between Christian and Norse thoughts on such things (think Valkyrie--warrior come to collect the fallen). I say more angel than ghost because in actual angelology, there's two types of angelic presence. One is ghostlike, with the hallmark of intangibility. The other insists that full physical manifestation is possible, and is often characterized by the angelic visitor eating and physically interacting with the human, until they just up and vanish completely (as Starbuck did on the grassy plain). The ghost stories we have of apparitions leaving physical tokens behind might actually be stolen/mistaken for angelic appearances.

Of course, theologically speaking, angels are their own species of creature. One cannot go from being human to angelic, but that's neither here nor there.

I did also see hints that the "Six" and "Baltar" creatures (also angels) might have been allusions to Michal (sometimes thought to be a female in the Hebrew tradition) and Satan (not in the Luciferian sense--satan is not a proper name but a title meaning "adversary" [think "prosecuting attorney", which is why he seems so pessimistic about humanity's odds of breaking the cycle]).

Just had a thought that I want to float with other fans....

I've been enjoying Bear McReary's BSG remake of Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower", and it got me thinking that maybe the "Six" and "Baltar" apparitions might be patterned after either the "joker" and the "thief" from the song, or the "two riders" who bring destruction.

On the other hand, Starbuck and Lee Adama could be either of those pairings, too, though I'd think they fit the "two riders" more aptly (especially in their viper "steeds").

I like your angelic interpretation, Reinmar - and iti dovetails nicely with the spiritual tone of the finale. My first thought Friday night was "ghost" - becuase of her abrupt disappearance once she realized her task was done, but teh fatc that she was inetratcing materially with so many thinsg was bothering me.

I know Moore has satted in a few interviews that Starbuck "Is whatever you wnat her to be" - but I think i like the angelic assumption. Though that does still leave the problem of a being going from human to angel - which i don't care for at all, but Deus Vult and all that.

On the Baltar -Six thing: I just never saw the Baltar angel as an adversary - he was working just as hard with six as the six angel was with human Baltar. so i am not wholly convinced on the Satan-Michael allegory. I do think moore might be referencing teh paired symbology in Watchtower with these two however.

And going back to Kara's disappearance once more - let me just say that the whole way that scene played out with Kara and lee was really touching. the flashback serves as a nice counterpoint. tehre was always soemhting between those two - until the veyr end when they stood on a grassy plain - and then it was too late.

Great stuff all over the place in the finale. Twenty years ago i could have mined several term papers out of what moore has provided us.

Yay! I finally managed to log in and navigate my way back to these horrific boards. I don't know if I will ever make the journey again, though.

Anyhoo... really, really liked the finale. Yeah, it dragged a bit toward the end and the flashbacks weren't all terribly insightful (but were worth it to see Tigh in the strip club... YAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!)

Dude. To party with that guy...

I like the conversation here on the nature of the Six and Baltar "angels" and also think he walked the fine theological line very well. Cool idea on the "characters" in the song!

I don't get all the complaining on how it ended with Kara. It's clear to me that she was a prophet of sorts (her paintings) and an instrument of ("he doesn't like to be called that") God. She found peace. And then went on to the other side they all referenced. There with Anders. At a certain point, overt explanations take away rather than add anything (see: midichlorians).

I thought they'd do more with the singularity and that time travel would be involved and they'd go back to our Earth and it being Kobol, but was happy with what they did. After all that traveling and the hell they lived through for YEARS on those awful ships, I, too, would say I'd take my chances spreading out on this lush green planet.

All-in-all, I'm very pleased. It wasn't perfect, but it was very good. Just to see the centurians battling alonside the humans was worth the price of admission. Too, too cool. That was a hell of a battle.

So whatever happened to Deanna, the 7, Lucy Lawless's character?

She quit basically.

Much like Dualla - she lost her faith with the burnt out Earth and just sat there - checking out of the whole thing.

And these boards are horrifoc compared to what we had in the past, aren't they?