Really, no one is discussing this yet??!?!?!?
Battlestar Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers)
Wow. How sad are we..............................?
I actualyl posted quite a few comments on our store's website, and (although I haven't checked) I'm willing to bet that there is some good discussion going on in the BSG section of this website.
That being said, I'm really intrigued by all that has happened in the episode, and can't wait to see what happens what next. Let's see:
1) Helen as the fifth cyclon. Why not? She was thought to be dead when Caprica was destroyed, yet turned up on Galactica in the first season. Tigh even tough she was a cylon, iirc. How ironic for that to turn out to be the case. And wouldn't that mean that she would resurrect after her death at the start of Season 3? And where would she come back, and when would she reveal herself? One of the guys at our store isn't sure if Helen really is #5, and that of course is a possibilty as well.
2) Earth as a cylon colony, but part of the 13? How does that work out. If the Final Five were able to save themselves, to be reborn again, why were they so special? Whay aren't there more of these cylons about? Is that the reason why there are not multiple copies of these models?
3) Starbuck. What a doosie! I can't say I was shocked when she found her dead body, they lead up to it nicely and I think I would have been disappointed had she not somehow also been resurrected. But what does her resurrection mean? I believe she was human, but I don't know what she is now. Even Yeoman is afraid of her at this point, and only him and her know the truth. I think she was ready to confess to Lee, up until she heard about Dee.
4) Dee. That shocked me. Never saw it coming, and it was so fast. The breakdown of the major characters in this episode -- Roslyn, Adama, Dee. Never even really saw Baltar, how is he taking things. How do you react when you spend years searching, risk everything you have to find your salvation, only to discover it isn't what you need, can't be what you need, it was all "wasted" effort. Bill is trying to pull himself together, but it seemed to me he still isn't fully convinved yet himself, but he has to take charge. Lee is going to become the next president; he at least had the strength to live up to the needs of this tragedy, for lack of a better word. Tigh had his baptism of fire when he learned he was a cylon, so he has the strength to get through this as well. Roslyn may well have given up, though I hope she finds some strength to make the rest of her life as meaningful as the last few years.
5) Perhaps Earth itself needs a savior. I get the feeling that all the low level radiation is what is making the world unsafe for long term habitation, but perhaps that is what is bringing the Fleet and the cylons to Earth. Like the humans, Earth also needs a savior, someone or some thing to make it habitable again. The prophecy told us that Roslyn wouldn't live to see Earth, but perhaps she doesn't live to see Earth's rebirth -- it is only natural, in the confines of the story, that she will die in the last episodes (too bad, I've wanted her and Adama to actually get together). What role does the Earth -- either as its own entity or as the plans left by the 13th tribe -- in the resurrection of Starbuck, the creation of her new Viper?
What is going to happen next?!
lengthy interview with ron moore about the developments in s04/e13 -- puts to rest some lines speculation (helen is without quesiton the final cylon if there is a single character deemed the final cylon), yet widely opens others (the fact that we're supposed to gather that there are many different people walking about on earth in the flashbacks than just 12 models very well could mean that humanity and cylons are the same, in some way or another)
I think hte most interesting theory is that the humans wiped out the 13th colony. The only reason we think its Cylon v cylon is Lee's specualtion. It would be very cool if it turns out that humanity committed the first atrocity and that is where the hard wired hatred of the race comes from on the Cylons part. The first seven don't even know about earth or what happened there - but some sort of genetic memory might be in palce, explaianing why they hate us so much.
It makes so much more sense than just "rise up agaisnt the overlords and wipe them out".
Great episode and I am really looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Stag Lord said:
I think hte most interesting theory is that the humans wiped out the 13th colony. The only reason we think its Cylon v cylon is Lee's specualtion. It would be very cool if it turns out that humanity committed the first atrocity and that is where the hard wired hatred of the race comes from on the Cylons part. The first seven don't even know about earth or what happened there - but some sort of genetic memory might be in palce, explaianing why they hate us so much.
It makes so much more sense than just "rise up agaisnt the overlords and wipe them out".
Great episode and I am really looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Ooo, I like this theory! Makes sense and it fits.
Amazing episode last night. Light on the action, but heavy on the drama.
Cottle saying "next best thing" as he handed Tigh a cigarette in the exam room was just awesome. Those two are too great together. ~Can we get a spinoff called Cottle and Tigh , with those two opening a detective agency and and helping people in need?
Everything is set up, very believably, for one heck of a revolution. I'm hoping it doesn't end by some manufacured, thank gods for the timing intervention, like Cavil and gang showing up.
Also, I saw this raised in a different place, and have been mulling it over quite a bit: A fight to the end between Picard's Enterprise and Adama's Galactice -- who is the victor?
How about the #6 being preggers with Sol's baby? I am kinda weirded out. Not to mention that Tyrol's kid isn't his! Its Hotdog's! (lol). I was thinking up until the point that Tyrol's kid wasn't his that maybe the Final Five are the children of Cylon/Human babies for the next go around (ie. "This has all happened before. It will all happen again"). With the revelation of Tyrol not being the baby's daddy, that kinda puts the kabosh on that theory of mine.
I always knew that Laura and Adama would hook up. That was awesome. Those two seem to be in a very weird place emotionally and mentally, as though they have "checked out" and could care less about the fleet. Rosyln is too wrapped up in her cancer and feelings for Adama to do a **** thing and Adama, since finding Earth and the suicide of Duala, has been a total basket case. Watching him go through the motions of getting ready at the start of his shift, he looks like he is in pain. It hurts him to even get out of bed and brush his teeth. As though he feels the weight of all things humanity is dealing with on his shoulders and nothing he does lifts it.
Felix and Zarek? That's going to be an interesting duo (especially considering Felix's experiance in the webisodes). I am interested to see what is going to happen with the rebellion (if there is going to be one). Admitidly, Tom Zarek is one of my favorite characters. His half Nelson Mandella, half Che persona he has enthralls me. Love him or hate him he has always been an interesting character. Felix has become a pretty messed up guy. The amputation, being Baltar's aid on New Caprica, the webisode revelation and his sudden hate for all things Cylon; he's lost it.
Baltar continues to spout religious retoric, though I did notice it took an almost anti-god, "God should ask us for forgiveness", feel in his speech. He seems to be holding back something, almost like he is waiting for the right time to strike. Maybe I'm just seeing things <shrug>
Galactica's Morale is sitting at 2 right now...
madkasel said:
You know. I can't really think of a reason that these two guys would fight. And really, I think they would probably just talk things over and become good friends. But let's say something weird happens and they do fight. I'd have to put my money on the Enterprise. I mean how cool is a Galaxy Class Starship?! Plus, the Enterprise seems to be the more nimble and faster of the two ships. Not to mention that I'm thinking Enterprise also has better shields. Although, things might get dicey with nukes being thrown around by Galactica. But I'm pretty sure the shields stop most radiation. Either way it'd be epic.
I so love Tom Zarek.
I was a big apollo fan when the original series ran - so its a plus that Hatch has astyed so involved wiht the mythos over the years. But i think I like his zarek character even better - i am not at all sure why the roslin-adama group are still on good temrs wiht teh rebel cylons. They are still the representatives of an artifical, murderous race and now that the Earth hting is all ashes - screw them.
the first priroity of the colonial government shoudl eb to that of teh survivors. Get the technology to upgrade the warp drives - by force if necessary. Then severa ll ties with them and find a safe palce to live. I totally understand gaeda's resentment. waiting for the toasters to get seen to.....
Sorry. It just exploded out of me. That was amazing.
Kennon said:
Sorry. It just exploded out of me. That was amazing.
That was a stunningly intense hour of television. My nerves are shot!
Yeah, I was kinda twitching and shaking a bit. It was intense.
yeah, i'm going to go ahead and agree -- just, wow, what an episode
Its episodes like that which affirm my faith the BSG is one of, if not the, best shows on television. Nick-ler and wanted to talk about it last nigh at the store, but one guy hadn't seen it yet so we could barely say anything at all. Shortly after the "to be continued" flashed on the tv, I turned it off. I didn't want any spoilers whatsoever for next week, I want to be totally surprised by what is going to happen.
Adama was just so bad ass! And it was funny -- when he made the comment "I couldn't live with myself." at the end, I had flashbacks to his character in Blade Runner. And Gaeta -- holy cow, it was amazing how one person in such a "minimal" role could have so much power; he pretty much single-handedly allowed everything to take place, and redirect any suspicion for the hour or so they needed. I couldn't even believe that Starbuck didn't pick up on the fact that Gaeta was involved, she just tells Lee "I was talking to Gaeta when communications went down." SHE was frakking scary, and I honestly expected her to shoot the other three people in the hanger before she left.
I love that fact that with the series ending the gloves are off and we can not expect anything (its just like moment in Thrones where they kill Eddard). I can not wait until next week.
i'm gonna watch that episode again. Wow! Bill Adama and Sol Tigh are such bad asses! 6 more days until I can see the next one! gurrrrrr! I need it now!
The Nick-ler said:
i'm gonna watch that episode again. Wow! Bill Adama and Sol Tigh are such bad asses! 6 more days until I can see the next one! gurrrrrr! I need it now!
Yeah, but you're watching it on your laptop. I have DVR.
Excellent episode, gripping, intense and perfectly performed. Its the first time since "West Wing" went off the air that i actually had my breath taken away by a one hour drama.
Of course I am in full symapthy with the "mutineers" and I am just sorry they are probably all going to die at soem point. what i did like though was lee's articulation of their point fo view, This whole "reconciliation" wth the rebel cylons has offended me on any levels, and it is good to see one of the major protagonists articulate the difficulty with forgiving the robots.
Still, s good as it was - a couple of plot hoels bother me. about 15 minutes after teh show went off I started thinking: Adama and tigh staying ebhind really doens't make ANY sense. tehs huttle was well away by the time the mutineers even started burning through teh door. Both characters easily could have gotten away on the shuttle - but clealry the writers need them captured or killed to driive a plot point. They really should have written the mutineers rigth into the henagar, with rounds being fired by both sides to amek the "holding the pass" motive believable.
The other was more minor, but JJ alludes ot it: Kara really should have killed all three rebels in the hangar. She was perfectly willing to shoot the marine later in the episode, leaving three potential threats behind makes no sense.
Can't wait for friday.
*twitches a little while he waits for Friday*
Well, that was a good episode (though I almost think last week's was better).Things progressed pretty logically, the tension was carried well (but, again, not like last week). I did notice that both episodes were written my different writers, and Mark Verheiden wrote last week's, and he is a very good writer (I remember when he wrote Aliens comics back in the late 80s, as well as Time Cop, one of the few good Van Damme films).
Zarek and the Quorum was something that I completely expected from the moment he told Felix he wanted them kept were he could keep an eye on them, and at that point pretty much turned Felix against him. Felix felt waht he was doing was the right course of action because he was right, and had the truth on his side. Zarek finalyl reverted back to his past ways and did whatever he felt necessary to achieve his ends, which was his own power. The Quorum wasn't a threat -- Felix as the new Admiral could have just declared Martial Law and disbanded the Quorum, but Zarek coulnd't take the threat to his power. That one act doomed the rebellion to failure.
Also, they actually had me when they killed Adama. But I guess that is because I am watching with the mindset that everyone can die now. I was a little disappointed that it was one of Baltar's visions, but not too much because I love Adama and was glad to see him survive. And watching Baltar through the last two episodes come to grips with who he is was interesting. Love or hate Baltar, he is an interesting character. He's no Littlefinger, but is one character I enjoy (and lately he's doing more frakking than Starbuck).
The next 6 episodes look to be interesting. Can't wait to see the return of Helen; I've been expecting this since Tigh figured it all out.
Stupid Zarek! One of my favorite characters (the others being Dualla, Chief Tyrol and Sol Tigh)... gone (two down, two to go
). I understood it was going to happen, though that is little consolation to me. I will miss his dastardly plots and schemes. <sigh>
Anders is going to be an interesting character in the weeks to come. Getting shot through the head! What the Frak! I hope Doc Cottle is up to the challenge.
The one thing I was not expecting to happen in the episode was Kelly comeing around so strangely. First letting Chief go then helping Bill and the resistance. I don't know if Adama will keep him in the brig or let him back into the fleet. (By the way, what ever happened to Danny "Bulldog"? I hope he gets back into the fray in the comming episodes.)
One more of my favorites made a showing, The lawyer, who's name escapes my memory. Love that guy.
Anyways, I'm just kind of rambleing. It was a good episode. Plenty of action. Good drama. I wish it would have been a little less predictable.
Indeed a very good episode! Not up to par with last week's but in the neighborhood. They can't ALL be 5-star!
I loved how Adama turned to the one marine after the thwarted execution... on any other show that speech and look would've had the marine falling in beside him. But, no. On BSG they play it true and the guy just can't do it. Loved that!
It all progressed very well, and ended logically. The closing line from Felix was killer, too.
And what was up with the scarring that the Chief saw? Is the ship about ready to just tear apart from the stresses its been through and so long without a proper drydock repair? A fitting end would be the ship limping them to a "home" and then expiring... its job complete. Also, was that venting in? Was he "breathing" in space?
And I so cannot wait to see what Ellen has to say.
madkasel said:
And what was up with the scarring that the Chief saw? Is the ship about ready to just tear apart from the stresses its been through and so long without a proper drydock repair? A fitting end would be the ship limping them to a "home" and then expiring... its job complete. Also, was that venting in? Was he "breathing" in space?
Forgot about that! Yeah, that was confusing as well, and I got the impression that Chief was breathing...well, nothing. Going back to prophecy, perhaps the Galactica is the "dying leader?"
JerusalemJones said:
madkasel said:
And what was up with the scarring that the Chief saw? Is the ship about ready to just tear apart from the stresses its been through and so long without a proper drydock repair? A fitting end would be the ship limping them to a "home" and then expiring... its job complete. Also, was that venting in? Was he "breathing" in space?
Forgot about that! Yeah, that was confusing as well, and I got the impression that Chief was breathing...well, nothing. Going back to prophecy, perhaps the Galactica is the "dying leader?"
The Galactica itself as the dying leader? I hadn't heard that one before but I LOVE it.