I have started using the terrian rules from the conflict of heroes game to deal with hills, blind hexes, plateau and balkas. These rules are some much clearer and logical. they are not really any differnt from ToI but, how ToI should have explained their rules IMO.
These rules in CoH deal with alot of the issues we have brought up regarding LOS from a Lv 1 hill past another Lv 1 (ToI rules page 26 example, unit D would not be in LOS as that hill would make a plateau if using CoH rules) The only thing i havent brought across is other terrian types in Coh like buildings and forests are concidered LV 1 terrain like the Lv 1 hills so they would also create a plateau. But in ToI other terrain types are not listed if they are Lv1 they are just concidered blocking terrain (i assume they are lower than lv 1 hills) , so i still use the ToI rule of blind hexes for this purpose. I just find the CoH rules deal with other hills and blind hexes much better.
The rules regarding balkas in CoH clear up all the discussion on how they are used in the ToI rules aswell.
I find ToI and CoH to be around the same level of complexity game play wise. But learning and uderstanding the rules is so much easier in CoH as the rules are set out and explained alot clearer ( with more logic and some notes from the designer to help you understand why he made the rules like he did)
I really like playing both games, its just it seems that CoH is accually liked by the company that puts it out.
I really like how CoH has facing and arcs of fire for units too. I wish ToI have facing and arcs of fire for vehicles (im fine with how squads are as they are a group of men where the vehicles are just one vehicle)
Another thing I have been trying out is combine fire / fire groups (I know the mechinics for battle are a bit differnt between ToI and CoH) In CoH for every unit that combines fire +1 is added to the firepower, so with ToI i have started just adding 1 dice for every vehicle/ equipment that combines fire. I still use ToI rules when combining fire with squads or against squads.