playing this game few times, but still learning something new
Several questions, which I want to be sure of
1) Splash Damage - if there are several skirmishes in one Battle, Splash damage is "cumulating" from any Skirmish which is sucesfull (frontline unit destroy oposing frontline unit). At the end splash damage is resolved that way, that attacker / defender destroy ANY unit from whole combat for each splash damage card, not jsut supporting unit from skirmish, where splash damage was triggered.
2a) Assist unit. If I have in one Area lets say one Archon and three Templars, oponent attacking me with 4 units, only one Skirkims will be established, right ? (My archon and 3 supporting templars)
2b) if opponent strenght is enough to kill my archon, he has to destroy Archon, he can´t choose any of the templars to be destroyed (only way is splash damage), right ?
3) Mobilize - If I am right, first "part" of mobilize order is that player can move units on active planets and second part that he can move units from adj planet to the active planet, right ?
thanks for answers