I just got this game, haven't played it yet, and I'd like to hear from the veterans; Any tips and advice so that I learn the game well and don't make too many beginner mistakes.
I'm NEW!
I think the one thing alot of players get confused is the differance between turns and rounds.
When the sceanario says actions per turn under the scenario details, you keep taking your turns until all units have been activated.
alot of new players have been caught by this.
example the actions per turn say, 3 actions per nation, so you take 3 actions, then the other side takes 3, then you take 3... this continues until you and the other player have no more units to activate, then the action phase is complete for round 1.
You may have already picked this up but just thought id let you know just in case as new players often post about this.
Yes. Dont play the bad scenarios... Find a description of the scenarios APRIORI. In the first scenarios, sadly most of the scenarios are unbalanced to the point that they are not enjoyable to play. However I do know that 'silence the guns' is a fun balanced scenario.
Preparation will help speed up play a lot. Make sure you put the squad pieces together beforehand and have the necessary board pieces together too.
On your first play through, don't worry about trying to remember every rule. Just get the feel for the flow of the game. Once you are comfortable with that, incorporate the fiddly rules and rules of exception at a pace you and your friend are comfortable with.
Don't let people you don't trust handle removing figs from the base. The pegs are easily broken if you don't know how to place and remove from the base.