I read the campagn rules from www.wingsofwar.it/list.asp . However they seemd very shallow and simplistic to me. Anyone using any custom rules?
I could either see rules for one of the larger battles like the Somme. Either side gets certain mission every game and the result adds to the outcome of the battle. Together with some more custom rules of keeping your pilot (the aces rules on the same side) this would make the game feel even more meaningful.
Say that each side have one primary and one or 2 secondary target each game. The primary is wort 3 points and the secondary one each. A total victory will bring even more bonus points. This should imfluence the next game, giving the side that lost harder mission or more enemy AAs. After a certain number of games the winner is the side with most points, or the battle ends when one side have a certain number of points (like 30 or 10 points ahead of the other side).
Another possibility is Making the campaign to last the whole war, filling up with new planes as they become avalible.
Anyways the Aces rules are kind of a must for these campaigns, together with quite a few players but I feel something like this would add a certain depth to the game. You guys using something similar, or thinking about doing it?