A Sign?

By David Spangler, in Elder Sign

Now, this looks like a long-awaited game, an excursion into Lovecraftian horror that doesn't require all day to play and can entice non-gamers. I'm definitely in on this one.

What's even more interesting is that this is another game from FFG with solo capabilities. The recent LotR LCG card game, the newly announced Gears of War, the new Rune Age, and now Elder Sign all are designed with single-player options. For those of us who have difficulty finding opponents, this is a very welcome trend. Thanks, FFG!

Absolutely couldn't agree more.. I love the Cthulhu mythos and long for good games with that theme. However I usually play solo or occasionaly bludgeon my wife and / or friends - all of whom are non-gamers - into playing something fairly simple, so this looks absolutely ideal. I still have the scars from when I tried to get two friends into a game of Arkham Horror. That was a six hour nightmare that we'll never forget for all the wrong reasons gui%C3%B1o.gif

So thanks FFG for reading my minds and - presuming that it's a good game - start lining up the expansions now please :-)

Perhaps a bad sign--a typo in the newly posted instructions, last page, Ending The Game: "All investigators, including any who have been devoured the final battle..."