Show your love for UFS

By Antigoth, in UFS General Discussion

One of the features of the new forums is that you can show what FFG games you play. Currently the top 10 FFG games are:

Arkham Horror Arkham Horror
177 times in the TOP 5
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Descent: Journeys in the Dark
135 times in the TOP 5
Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition
100 times in the TOP 5
Runebound Runebound
65 times in the TOP 5
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
63 times in the TOP 5
Tide Of Iron Tide Of Iron
62 times in the TOP 5
Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica
61 times in the TOP 5
Battlelore Battlelore
58 times in the TOP 5
Dark Heresy Dark Heresy
54 times in the TOP 5
StarCraft StarCraft
52 times in the TOP 5

Notice the lack of UFS?

Want to correct that?

  • Scroll up to the top of the page.
  • Click on " Community "
  • Scroll down a bit and select " Enter " under " My Games "
  • Click the check box next to UFS, and any other FFG games you play.
  • Click the update your profile option.
  • In the top 5 section you will now be able to highlight UFS. Save your profile one more time, and show FFG that you're here for the UFS.

This will also help you using the friends finder to locate your UFS compadres.

I can see Arkham Horror and even Descent... but WRPG? Dark Heresy? Heck... where's Citadels on the list? If there's one FFG game that I play a lot of, it's Citadels, very underrated game.

Oh, and I'd hate to see the fury come out if Kingdom Hearts showed up on that list over UFS...

Nyobari said:

I can see Arkham Horror and even Descent... but WRPG? Dark Heresy? Heck... where's Citadels on the list? If there's one FFG game that I play a lot of, it's Citadels, very underrated game.

Oh, and I'd hate to see the fury come out if Kingdom Hearts showed up on that list over UFS...

The masses appear to have heard you. Citadels has climbed upto #4.

UFS still remains to be seen.

Warhammer Fantasy Role-play is AMAZING, and Arkham Horror is one of the best board games ever...i am not surprised by the no love for UFS, FFG has some great stuff lol

I am surprised Twilight Imperium is only at third, that game is the most epic game ever.

How do you see the top ten? I can't seem to find the link for it.

  • Scroll up to the top of the page.
  • Click on " Community "
  • Scroll down and look on the right hand side for a link called "Stats"
  • Scroll until you find "Top 10"

Some of those games I was like 'yea, why the heck are they considered bigger titles?'.

Warhammer RPG probably has considerably more substance & content than most of those games though. I haven't seen any of the material, but Games Workshop put a lot into even just their faction books for WHF, so they'dve probably expected FFG to do the same. Paper-and-dice RPGs tend to (and generally should) be a lot bigger and more substantial projects than something like, say, "Cave Troll" to begin with.

Done and done. I've only had experience with UFS and Arkham Horror from FFG, but I love both games and am looking forward to the Call of Cthulhu LCG, but UFS is what brought me here, and I'm here to stay.

Make sure you put UFS in the number one spot, because that is how we roll.

I kinda have to agree with TripsEX on one point: Dragon Shield card sleeves are probably a better purchase than most games on that list. =D

I picked Fury of Dracula and StarCraft because they looked good. I have never played either of these games. O;

Never played (nor heard about FFG in any way) any game in that list other than UFS. Surprise surprise there it is.

I generally show my love for UFS with captioned UFS images but I can't so I'll have to keep singing Karaoke.

i did saw a couple of those games being played. do it count?

Captain Ren said:

do it count?

New meme ladies and gentlemen.

I see UFS getting into the top 10 eventually. Half of the people that were on the old fourms haven't even signed up on here yet, and some of the people that have didn't even add UFS to their game collection yet.

I want them to make Anima avatars because the artwork on Deviant Art because its spellbinding . I would have asked to have that person draw for my team's asset if it was reasonable, but they're more freelancing for the original spanish Anima or something... idk

I notice that we are 3rd on the list of sub-forums who wont shut up!

Homme Chapeau said:

Captain Ren said:

do it count?

New meme ladies and gentlemen.


Church said:

I notice th

at we are 3rd on the list of sub-forums who wont shut up!

3rd? baby we're number 1!