Rat Patrol :
"specialization tokens may be assigned to British/american Machine Gun Crews."
Question Does this include an AT specilization? (thats insane)
Solution: recon or alpha specilization may be given to Machine Gun Crews.
Dash To the wire :
Question : in round 1 only the british conduct actions, but what about command points? Is it so that only the british gain command first round since the germans aren't on the board to collect any?
Solution: German gets 4 command 1st round.
Bloody Lindern (an great scenario by the way)
Question 1: Technically, the US & German can setup in the same hex?
Solution: Units cannot setup in halfhexes.
Question 2: A squad which starts next to an enemy squad, does can it start concealed 1st round if it is in an entrenchment, building or foores hex?
Solution: ???
Night Hunt (another great scenario)
Question: When reading the description of the scenario it seems like the setup for the american troops is wrong
Solution: switch setup for division one and two
(i'll take the rest soon)