What Should I Buy to Get Started?

By colormage1, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building


Amazon sent me an email a couple of weeks ago suggesting that I might be interested in buying this game. It seemed interesting, and the concept of a LCG was so new to me.

So I did some research on boardgamegeek.com and saw the "gameplay" videos FFG put up there. ANd somehow I kind of became hooked. The game just seems so absolutely amazing. I don't know why or what, but I just lvoed how it was explained and realy can't wait to get my hands on it. (I'm an avid MTG player, if that explains anything.)

To get to the point, I've been doing research on what to buy and what not to buy and figured that it would probably just be best to ask you all what I should and should not buy.

OH! And I'd like to, ideally, get 3 copies of every card. There is something that happened (or a shift in implementation, if I understand correctly) about some of the battledecks where they used to not have 3 copies but now they do. Or something. I'm not sure.

If someone could explain that too, I'd really appreciate.

And thanks!

The core set, the entire skavenblight threat cycle and assault on ulathen expansion do not come with x3 of each card.

If you are looking to just try the game out the best thing to do would be to pick up a core set and play a few games. The draft option is excellent.


I just started this game myself and would also recommend to spend some time with the core set first to get a feel for the game. After 2 months and being pretty sure I liked it I got Ulthuan, which basically gives you all races to chose from. Next one up will be Legends I think. If you are playing casual, I would not worry too much at the beginning about having 3 copies of each card.

When you do start buying more after you fall in love with the game(which is inevitable). I would start with the core and then move on to the deluxe expansions and move onto the packs last.

As far as the packs go, I would skip buying Skavenblight Threat at least at first. It is more cost effective to buy the packs with 3 of's in the beginnning to build your collection and then search on an online database like war.dbler.com to cherry pick which cards in Skavenblight you need. It has been my experience that I don't run as many of these cards in my decks and I do other releases anyway (excluding my skaven deck).

Does anybody know where you can buy single cards online?

I'm thinking that a "draft" format like a Magic: The Gathering Cube might be really really fun with this. Are there placed that sell them online?

Due to the nature of LGCs, there is not really a secondary market for the cards. They are not a limited resource, since FFG keeps things in print as much as they can, so I've not seen anybody selling the cards piecemeal yet.

Zeruul said:

Due to the nature of LGCs, there is not really a secondary market for the cards. They are not a limited resource, since FFG keeps things in print as much as they can, so I've not seen anybody selling the cards piecemeal yet.

additionally, FF changed the printing style quick enough that the single print cards are from a very small pool of cards. 60 cards from Skaven blight and maybe another 30 from Core/Ulthan which were printed as singles. Plus to complicate matters some from Uthan were printed in doubles.

Though that seems like a lot, its only at most ten percent (and shrinking) portion of the total cards available. Add in the fact that in cards only have value as long as they dominate the national meta and will quickly drop in price if/when the meta changes. This leads most cards having such a low return on invest that card prices would have to be prohibitively high.

Im just getting into the game also. I ordered all the cards off Coolstuff inc and I got everything and sets that didnt come with three of everything i got three of each of thouse sets and it was on;y like 425 less then I use to spend on one set of the old CCG (VS) I use to play. This game looks alot like VS which is a great thing cause that was a great game

I like VS a lot too! But the games are not very similar. You can play any card face down in both games, but they are not resources in WHI.

That said, I still think you'll like it. Coolstuffinc is a great place to order from too -- super fast free shipping and everything 30% of retail.

Its got a similar chain it seems like in the rules and you have different areas to place characters in. My VS buddies (who is the last world champion of VS) like the game and say its similar

Is there any news that they might reprint the first Cycle with 3X like they are doing with CoC?

I am sure they will once the cycle is out of print. They just started to do the same with AGoT sets that are out of print now.

I just got into WH:I and I plan on just buying the deluxe expansions and possibly cherry picking battle packs. Is there really advantages to having a super detail oriented deck with specific cards in triplicate (understanding there are certain killer cards)? Especially when I don't plan on starting a tournament career anytime soon?

Here is a link to a buying guide I have made for members of our group. Hope others find it useful:

Warhammer Invasion Buying Guide