This came up in my game last night.
The Nekro Virus played their Rep that says Name a Player and an Outcome. If the player Votes for that Outcome, the Nekro Virus copies one of their technologies. The player he named was the Speaker and the Outcome was Motion Passed. As voting went around, when it got to the Speaker it was tied. The Speaker then abstained and the vote was tied. He then used his power as the Speaker to break the tie in favor of passing. The Speaker said he did not vote either way for the outcome, he just broke the tie, thus the Nekro Virus could not copy one of his Techs. The Nekro Virus player was understandably miffed at this and claimed that the Speaker's Tie Breaking ability counted as voting.
Does the Speaker's Tie Breaking ability count as voting? And if it does, what happens if the Nekro Virus is Speaker and has to break a tie as they are not allowed to vote on political cards?