msg sent to FFG

By Aussie_Digger2, in Tide of Iron

I just sent a msg to FFg about the errata for FotB. Im startiweng to get sick of all the errors. I thought we found them all in the first week of it release but somehow there are more.

Any way i sent this:

Hey there,
I was wondering when an errata would be released to TOI's fury of the bear. This expansion has been out for a while now.
Many errors and unclear rules are throughout the rule book. (many posts on the ToI forums)
I love the ToI game so much that I have 2 of all expansions and base game.
But after seeing and trying to play FotB scenarios, i am very annoyed at the quality that FFG put out (I payed $80 AUD) i would expect alot more for this.
There are alot of other gamers that are just as annoyed and have been posting their frustrations on the forums. Please listen to your customers.

Honestly there are smaller games companies putting in the time and effort to release a polished product, this should be no trouble for FFG.


Well i hope to hear back as i have sent a few rules questions before and heard nothing. Well this will help me decided if I will ever buy anything from FFG again,

I second this initiative!

Let's see if this game is still supported. I mean, *really* supported.


Agree 100%