dexter asylum

By PearlJamaholic, in CoC Rules Discussion

quick question, the wording seems vague to me.

is it pay two and if i dont i have to sac an insane character (in this case if i dont have an insane character it wont matter if i pay 2 or not)

or is it

i can either pay 2 after i draw, or sac a insane character after i draw, and if i cant do either i can draw normally. (if its this its pretty good for slowing things down if i build a deck around only having two domains)

-- Neutral --
Dexter Asylum
Type : Support
Cost : 2
Subtype : Location.
Game Text: Forced Response: after a player draws 1 or more cards, he must pay 2 or sacrifice an insane character, if able.
Flavor text:
Illustrator: Guy Gentry
Collector's Info: EE P9

anyone??? ??? ?????

I'm not entirely sure, but I'd guess you have to pay 2 if you don't have an insane character. If you do have one (or more), then you can decide whether to sac the char or pay 2. If you don't even have a domain of size 2 and no insane characters, then you just won't have to do anything. That's what feels logical to me.

I´m not sure either but it llooks to me like.

After you draw, you have to do one of the two possibilities: Pay 2 or Sac an insane character. If case you can not fulfill any ot these options I guess nothings happens. But I remember I plyed this card once and my opponent read it in a very different way and we couldn't come to any conclusion,

PearlJamaholic said:

-- Neutral --
Dexter Asylum
Type : Support
Cost : 2
Subtype : Location.
Game Text: Forced Response: after a player draws 1 or more cards, he must pay 2 or sacrifice an insane character, if able.

1. Player draws a card

2. Force response triggers

3. He can choose either to pay 2 or sac insane guy. If he does not have "2" - he have to sac. If he does not have insane - he has to pay.