Card Storing And You

By Aamaxu, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi-ho. New here and all that jazz. I'll cut the chase and go straight to the point: Where and/or how do you store your plethora of Descent cards? I've been trying to find a fitting holder for my original game and three expansion cards with little luck, so I'm eager to hear (or read, lulz - so clever) how you've managed to solve this problem.


Sorry if this has been posted before; I searched but the lack of Advanced option in the tool made me want to murder rabbits. So I stopped.

I use a set of Tuck Boxes uploaded Manoyarn on

I LOVE these things. They were made before ToI was out, but I think you can fit ToI in there. If anything, you might need to print extra Treachery boxes. I printed them on 68lb weight paper and then folded and taped together, they've lasted me like 6 months without a problem. They organize all the cards very nicely, expecially for RtL.

I just went to Wal-Mart and picked up a plastic index card holder. Then I rubber banded the card sets together, to keep them separated. They all fit nicely in the holder and in the Descent box.

Way back in my CCG days, I picked up some metal card boxes from ROOK. It's a set of fantasy themed art cases and seemed appropo for Descent :)

Rubber bands and ziploc bags ftw.

If you go to any store that sells CCGs (particularly if they also sell other collectable cards like sports cards) you will have a number of options. For our game, we have these clear hard plastic cases. They come in various sizes. We have one that comfortably holds all three treasure decks with extra room even after adding the ToI stuff, and we've got smaller ones that barely hold the base equipment you can buy.

Personally I wouldn't use rubber bands on my cards, but that's just because I'm overly protective of them.

I like the idea of the tuck boxes, but I'm concerned that you'd have to re-print them on occasion when a new expansion came out. I might actually talk to my brother about printing a set though, as he works at a print shop, and he'd be able to print it on some sturdier cardstock than I could on my home printer. One thing I'd likely change though is how it's held shut. I'd like to do something like those manilla envelopes; you know, the kind with the string to hold it shut?

I think we just use normal 1 row cardboard boxes that you can pick up at practically any game store for about 89 cents. If you get the shorter ones (800 card ones I think) they fit in the core game box nicely iirc.

I found some boxes at the container store for $1.99 each that fit the cards perfectly. They are plastic and have a hinged lid which you can remove very easily. One box can hold all the Cards for the heroes Treasures/shop deck/ feats/ skills. One box for all of the OL cards and one for RTL. I cut up inserts that come with the expansions to make dividers. It works well and it saves a lot of space not having to stack them all on the table.

Thanks for the answers, people, they were very helpful. I'll be going with those fancy Tuck Boxes for the time being, probably until I find some actual store that sells the right kind of packing boxes - as the local game store fails in that aspect.

Anyway, thanks again. You've been a great help!

ziploc bags all the way. I have about 30 in my descent box, with all the cards and counters in etc. We also use them for RtL instead of the tuckboxes, since after a couple of uses, they end up losing bits out of the gaps in the box.

Avoid rubber bands, they perish and leave horrible marks on your cards.

Paul Grogan said:

Avoid rubber bands, they perish and leave horrible marks on your cards.

And even before that, they can make your cards bend in horrible ways.

Rubber bands are evil.