Ottawa Ontario Canada

By darknoj, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Looking to play with a few more then our small group of six. Any other players in the Ottawa area?

Gah I was a bit over a year ago lol! Now I reside in vancouver but TTT Bump for your thread and good luck! Lemme know if you happen to know anyone in the vancouver area.

I'm looking to get started playing this; I live in the Kanata area, so depending on where you are located in Ottawa, I might be willing to join your play group.

Just wanted to let you know that me and a friend of mine just started playing the AGoT LCG recently. Currently I only have the Core Set but I have some deluxe expansions/second core coming my way soon. I'm not sure how much of a competitive player I will be but if you're interested in getting a game in I'd love to play some one new. Where do you usually play?

I'm out in Kanata. Still waiting on the cards though.

You guys still around?

Mostly just play at people's houses but i will be running a event at the wizard's tower in barhaven soon. Just working it out with the store owner. Will mostly be around the end of this month.

I am from GAtineau, I'm always searching for players :)

Looks like the wizard tower in barhaven will be hosting on Oct 1st at 6:00 pm more info to come soon.

Awesome, hopefully I'll have cards by then, FFG willing...

Sorry for the silence, I've been out of the country for awhile now. An event at the WT sounds fantastic, it's my local shop. I'm definitely up for that and I look forward to seeing you all then.

<--- can walk to WT ;)

Wizard Tower Barhaven is now on Sunday Oct 2nd at 6:00.