Using Rip Dere 'Eads Off! on opponent's development

By tako, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Is it legal play to flip over an opponent's development? Rip says "Action: Turn one target development faceup. If it is a unit, leave it in play and sacrifice it at the end of the turn. Otherwise, sacrifice it immediately."

The first part "Action: Turn one target development faceup." seems to suggest that any development, own or opponent's can be flipped. However, both of the potential next actions (i.e. sacrifice turned up card either now or at the end of the turn) imply that the player playing the rip has/gets control over the card that is being turned over (FAQ say that for sacrifice, the player needs to control the card to be sacrificed). I don't think this is the case with the flipped development, which means the card cannot be sacrificed.

So, is playing the tactic on an opponent's development still legal, even though it cannot resolve as described? Or is the card just poorly worded?

Any opinions?

It is legal since the text doesn't say " developemt you control...". Otherwise most of the text would be redundant. It might not resolve totally but that doesn't make the playing illegal.

I think if you play the tactic the controlling player has to resolve the effect and not you self. Especially since the text doesn't say YOU have to sacrifice the card.