Hi, I posted it on BGG and post it here too simply to gather as much opinion as possible on how to play a Keeper based on my yesterday session where 1 investigator among the 3 was constantly telling how to play a Keeper and keep it smooth so they could unfold the story. Yesterday's game was not that fun to me as we had several 15-30 minutes downtime aguying about the "Keepers' role". Please read my post and tell me if I play wrong of right! Thanks a bunch!
Hi all! I've been playing MoM mostly as an investigator and completely love the game. Tonight I wanted to try playing as the Keeper. We we're 4 players, so 3 investigator agaisnt me the Keeper.
I'll keep it simple: Do you play the Good or the Bad Keeper. Here's what I mean:
Good Keeper: You don't care about winning the game. You just let the other Investigators unfold the story and throw some cards here and there just to play with them.
Bad Keeper: You want to win! You let the Investigators unfold the story but you make sure they understand that there's a greater power over their heads that could smith them anytime but ultimately, you don't want them to to accomplish the task they're here for.
I ask that because one the the players (and one of my best friend) told me that a Keeper should not be to harsh and should let the Investigators win the game while giving them a challenge while they play. The Keeper don't necessarily have to win the game...
I sincerely don't agree with that and if the Keeper was there only to give the Investigators some hard times here and there I don't think there would even be a player/human Keeper...
Am I wrong thinking that way?
TLDR version: I play to win the game. I play to let the Investigators unfold the story while keeping them on the edge. It's not my problem if they focus on the wrong thing going on on the board and don't discovered the first clue after 3 hours of play, even though THEY KNEW WHERE IT WAS...
Thanks a bunch all!