Free RPG Day June 18th

By dvang, in Black Crusade

As a reminder, Free RPG day is Sat, June 18th. There is a Black Crusade demo adventure available (per FFG's website). Contact your FLGS!

Anyone in the Portland, OR (USA) area can come by Guardian Games ( ) as I will be running two sessions of the demo (hopefully, assuming the store can/will get copies). I plan for one session at noon, and one session at 3pm. Plan for 2.5 hours. I don't know how many PCs the demo is designed for (yet), but I expect I'll duplicate or fill out PCs to fit 6 PCs per session if there should be fewer and enough player-interest.

In which section of the website is the demo adventure?

It's not up yet, given it's only being released on Free RPG Day.

I might very well be there.

Sounds cool.

My FLGS is going to be participating, largely thanks to me letting them know that Free RPG Day was happening to begin with.

I'm DEFINITELY getting the preview adventure, and going to be running it the next gaming session we have after Free RPG Day.

Castle House Hobbies and Games in Fayetteville, Arkansas will be hosting Free RPG day. I am the shop manager and will be GM'ing Black Crusade. Currently I have one person dedicated to playing, more spots are open.

Shop website is:

We are on Facebook as well.

Four different pre-generated characters are provided; but the game can accomodate larger groups by adding additional Chosen or Renegade characters.

If you are near the NW Arkansas area and wish to play, drop on by!

Sorry if this is off topic but it seems the best place to ask. Is there anywhere in New Jersey participating in this event?

Vonpenguin said:

Sorry if this is off topic but it seems the best place to ask. Is there anywhere in New Jersey participating in this event?

What part of Jersey, I may run into you :)

The Free RPG Day demo adventure include 4 pregen'ed characters.

Looking forward to this. To bad I don't have any shops in the vicinity that participate but I will download it as soon as it is available.

Barad The Dwarf said:

Looking forward to this. To bad I don't have any shops in the vicinity that participate but I will download it as soon as it is available.

A question for veterans. When that day usually comes? The same day? Previous day? The day after? A week after?

IIRC, it generally took a few days at least until it became available. I'd guess at about two weeks, give or take.

Which reminds me:

Four different pre-generated characters are provided; but the game can accomodate larger groups by adding additional Chosen or Renegade characters.

Whee, new archetype names! gran_risa.gif
Chosen would probably be those who actually embrace Chaos for the sake of Chaos while Renegades sound more like ex-imperial recidivists. Essentially, just the distinction that is being discussed in the Evil thread...

</wild guessing>

Wild guessing is fun lengua.gif

I'm looking forward to the art - I always find that it helps with the atmosphere of a game even more than flowery text and descriptions.

"A picture is worth a thousand words", and all that.


Wild guessing is fun lengua.gif

I'm looking forward to the art - I always find that it helps with the atmosphere of a game even more than flowery text and descriptions.

"A picture is worth a thousand words", and all that.

the art work is awesome! as usual.

one of my cooks is running it on FRPGD, and I'll most likely be running it again on that sunday. Our frpgd kit included 10 copies I think it is, I imagine they will go fast, so those in the north Seattle area be sure to swing by my bar, AFK Tavern in Everett to grab a copy. for those a bit north you can visit our friends at Wandering Havoc Games in Marysville or for those south swing by The Dreaming in Seattle.
