This is hilarious

By TehTentacle, in Red November

I got Red November in christmas. So far we've played it two times and... it's just ridicilosly fun :D . And there's tactics in it too, and thinking. It's amazing it came out in such a small box, they could've easily done a 60€ game out of it. Also I'm a tiny bit speculated, how long can this game maintain its charm and appealment?

Just want to share our last session with you now.

We had some memorable moments last time we played this, situations that must have come up in your games too. What a tragic scenario was it, none of the brave comrades survived (last time one swam to safety). There were two particular fun situations. The Kraken shows up, and as I'm one of those who's always ready to sacrifice himself I decided to get out into the vast coldness, to confront the giant squid. In total drunk, of course and you know how things like this usually end up with. Yup, one drowned, drunken happy-bastard.

After this, the others had some really rough time inside the submarine (drunken gnome --> more events :P sorry). The whole front side of the ship was blocked, and there were only a few turns before the torpedo room would explode. In addition, it was on fire. So naturally, the three gnomes clear the corridors of the trash, which are blocking the way to the torpedo room. However, there is no time left to extinguish the fire, which means... the last gnome who can fix the torpedo -problem must also sacrifice his life. For the Gnovember! The hero fixes the problem and burns alive, drunken though. But with the gnome's passing out, the attempt to save the submarine becomes vain: 10 more minutes means five more events. All is well until the last, LAST card is drawn, and whaddya know, it's the first time the engine of Red November fails the gnomes!


A malfunction! The nuclear powered ship explodes and a great pillar of water emerges from the sea and reaches to the sky... and then everything is peaceful.


Awesome story. It make me excited to put the copy of Red November I just picked up on the table. I love those spectacular failures that everyone at the table remembers and talks about for a long time.

I think I may have to get this game as soon as I have some more pennies...

Played it for the first tme (just got it on the weekend) tonight and it is great fun! I'm sure we made many mistakes but it was noty too hard to figure out and seemed fine with only 2 players (the rules says 3 and the box 2).

I was at a CON today and there were no more interesting board games left on the table so I went over to the vendors and picked out this little gem of a game. My friend, one stranger and I played it and ended up with a wonderful little adventure.

We didnt get to see the Kraken unfortunately but we sure had a bunch of fun.

At the end of the game, my gnome passed out drunk trying to pump out a water filled reactor room not to wake up until two minutes to safety. My friend passed out trying to six the engine room, then had two fires start in both adjacent rooms. Of course he had no fire exstinguisher nor any grog to help him brave the inferno's so was thusly trapped. The stranger drew out a fire spreading action and instead of taking one for the team (seeing as the only two options were for my friend to take it or him, he decided to send it to my friend, search for more items in hopes of getting an aqualung with which to escape with. So my friend dies, he doesnt get the aqualung, I wake up and do nothing for two turns to get us to safety.

This game really builds great stories.

I love it.

I've been having a ton of fun with it. I'm equally impressed that they crammed that much awesome into a small box. Who knows how long the game will maintain it's appeal to me, but I think I've gotten my money's worth.

I'm also still enjoying Mag-Blast, so I'll probably be enjoying Red November for quite a while.

This is a terrific game. Simple enough to play with kids, but enough of a challenge to keep adults entertained. Plus the small box makes it easy to carry around. What more do you need?

I've been thinking about getting Red November for a little while as a filler game between sessions. Thanks for the reviews guys, looks like I'll be grabbing it.

It's a great game, I have only played it once, but I too wouldn't mind getting my own copy. It's amazing how many of FFG's Silver Line Games are so great.