What weapon does a clan chief wield?

By Nematode, in Battlelore

I've had the scottish wars pack for a long time, so I'm surprised I never thought of this before. I guess the old clan chiefs never managed to get into an actual fight before despite being fielded multiple times. I always assumed there must be a claymore weapon card or some such thing, but now that I look, there is not. How are bonus strike symbols resolved when a clan chief battles? No mention is made of them on the actual clan chiefs card. Until I figure it out, I'll just assume they use the same rules as short sword.

I assumed short sword as per Blue Banner dwarf infantry, but I can't find a specific reference to the weapon they wield.



I've been wondering that myself. and also what kind of weapon do the dwarf bear riders use? If it is the same axe as the dwarf axe swingers then that would make them not as effective against enemy cav.

How I've been playing it if the card doesn't mention a weapon I just play that the weapon has no special abilities or penalties. So basically if they don't mention a weapon I just play it as the same effect as a long sword.

Both of these situations are examples of some clarification that the game needs - the weapon wielded by the Clan Chiefs was resolved by DoW (acts same as short sword), but since there never was a "Unit Compendium" like there was/are a Creature Compendium and Lore Compendium, one would have to know to look in the DoW forums to find that written. The axe for the bear riders kinda rides the blurred line between unit cards and weapon cards, but I am pretty sure the intent is that the first bonus strike rolled against other mounted units would not be ignored. Again, would be good to have clarification about that though.

Well if we get ANY type of attention from FFG would be a good sign. But with all the focus on that OTHER (cough) Battlelore game, I doubt they will give us a moment's thought.

I stumbled upon this post just now and i'm planning my tonights' epic game with Scotish Wars, Batalion, Marauders and Skirmishers. Goblin vs Dwarves for our first time.

So, the clan chiefs use Longswords or shortswords?

I can't recall if they have any specific abilities but if they do, i'd give them a shortsword, if they don't, a longsword would balance things out.


or for those who just wanty an answer...

It is a short sword. DOW gave official confirmation that if a weapon is not specified, it defaults to a short sword for foot units and a long sword for mounted units.

also, their special ability (per the unit card)is that they battle at +1d when the unit is completely intact.