N00bness questions

By moony29, in A Game of Thrones LCG

Played my first game of this last night, and I am a fan. It has been a long time since I played a collectable card game (MtG, about 15 years ago). We had a couple questions come up that were not specifically adressed in the rulebook, and skimming the 23 page FAQ hasn't produced results. I apologize in advance, but I only ran a quick search on the forums and didn't find the answer.

#1. Winter, Summer, how does it work? If it is not winter, is it assumed to be summer? I found through the forum search that there are only 3 cards available that make it winter? (or effective at making it winter)...

#2. "I'm You Writ Small" L 165 I assume the "boon" description is not important unless a card were to come out targeting boon attachments. Does the attachment stay with card like a normal attachment?

#3 Is there a hand limit? I know there is a draw cap, I haven't found anything suggesting a hand limit yet.

#4 The big expansions that have house Martell and Grejoy, do they come with premade decks for these houses like the core set?

#5 I blindly picked up 3 chapter packs while at the local gaming store. (Don't judge me, I had a 1.5 yr old in my arm and a 3 yr old that was REALLY interested in the miniatures tournament going on, I just had to buy and get out!) The "Epic Battles" pack I picked up actually was printed for CCG version, anyone know off hand if these cards are still OK to use? (Looks like an "epic phase" is referenced a lot in these cards)

#6 Is there a good resource out there that will give me an idea of what I am getting in these chapter packs? A quick overview of some kind? I am too new to really benefit from the database sites I have come across

#7 Any place to find some basic strategy that is not in forum form?


moony29 said:

#1. Winter, Summer, how does it work?

moony29 said:

#2. "I'm You Writ Small" L 165 I assume the "boon" description is not important unless a card were to come out targeting boon attachments. Does the attachment stay with card like a normal attachment?

moony29 said:

#3 Is there a hand limit?

moony29 said:

#4 The big expansions that have house Martell and Grejoy, do they come with premade decks for these houses like the core set?

moony29 said:

#5 I blindly picked up 3 chapter packs while at the local gaming store.

moony29 said:

#6 Is there a good resource out there that will give me an idea of what I am getting in these chapter packs? A quick overview of some kind? I am too new to really benefit from the database sites I have come across

#7 Any place to find some basic strategy that is not in forum form?

Check out the cycle highlights and Danigral's reviews at CardGameDB for some stuff that could help. There are also some general strategy articles that could help.

Epic Battles (and the rest of the Clash of Arms cycle) look like they belong to the CCG (because of the black borders), but they are legal LCG cards.