Greetings, fellows
the following link contain a one-page PDF about mutant rogue-psyker I named
It includes the game stats and a short description & backgrounds notes for an outcast-turned-murder-for-hire. The npc is quit plain and "gun fodderish".
If you want to play "Damned Cities", you can either use him a a Red Herring, as a weapon in the arsenal of some influential npc your pc mananged to cross to the point of murder & vendetta or as a prequal to the Investigation (where your pc are ordered to Sinophia Magna to put an end to the dark legend of mysterious murders).
[Provided] Hezzlesham, rogue-psyker mutant from Sinophia Magna
Using Blood Boil on sleeping targets is nice. Would he get bonuses to the WP v Toughness test against such a helpless target? Does he need to see the target with his eyes, or does the sense presence let him do it through walls and roofs?
Hi Darth,
Darth Smeg said:
Using Blood Boil on sleeping targets is nice. Would he get bonuses to the WP v Toughness test against such a helpless target? Does he need to see the target with his eyes, or does the sense presence let him do it through walls and roofs?
I would not say that one gets a bonus just because the target is asleep. First of all, I expect the victim to wake up sooner or later...before it dies.
I only assume that the the target will lose a round to the utter confusion, so.
@Does it need a line of site.
Good questions! Since the minor power is not giving any real positions (onyl general direction) I do not think one can use a power through it.
I general assumed Hezzlesham to climb up a wall and to position himself next to a window. From there, he will start his work. ...
I think I should add the "Malleable" Mutation and give him the "Contortionist" skill.
Thanks for pointing me in this direction, I will change that!
Here is Version 2. Hezzlesham is now "Malleable" (which will allow him to fit through openings normally to small for his size. Like airducts or chimney or cellar windows. In addition, I change "Blood Boil" to "Constrict". The power is easier to activate (so Hezzlesham will be able to keep up Chamealeon or Wall Walk) and the victim will not be able to scream... it will even not be able to a thing if it does not pass the Toughness or the Willpower test. With a little luck, Hezzlesham could kill somebody without waking up the other guy in the next bed...
Happy to help form the evil ideas.
The reason I asked about possible bonuses v sleeping targets is that you do get such bonuses if using conventional weapons:
Helpless Targets
Weapon Skill Tests made to hit a sleeping, unconscious or
otherwise helpless target automatically succeed. When rolling
Damage against such a target roll two dice and add the results.
If either die rolled comes up as a 10, you have a chance at
Righteous Fury. If both dice come up as 10, you automatically
gain Righteous Fury, and roll Damage again.
Hi Darth,
Psi Power as the already mentioned already have a signifikant Bonus over "mundane weapon". They do not role for "to hit". They simple "hit home"
This is new to me, I think I have to re-read the rules. Anyway, the Toughness-Test is a thing that (to me) is rather based on a persons will to survive. You do not need a concious effort to breath. And if something tries to hinder it, your body will struggle against it.
So, I say "no Bonus here".
..and now I need a reason and a chance to unleahs this unclean assassine on my own players
Darth Smeg said:
Helpless Targets
Weapon Skill Tests made to hit a sleeping, unconscious or
otherwise helpless target automatically succeed. When rolling
Damage against such a target roll two dice and add the results.
If either die rolled comes up as a 10, you have a chance at
Righteous Fury. If both dice come up as 10, you automatically
gain Righteous Fury, and roll Damage again.
To be clear, do you add these results on top of the weapon's usual damage?
Hi Lete,
the psy power Hezzlesham uses does not include a Weapon Skill (or Ballistic Skill) test. Thereby, I would not apply these rules.
In my opinion, this rules was designed to reflect that it is much easier to kill an unmoving, "helpless" target with a quick stap by a knife or shot from a gun.
In both cases, how much damage you will achieve pretty much depends on where exactly you land your blow / hit with the shot.
In case of the actually used psy power, the "area question" is already taken into account. Thereby, I do not modify it any further just because the person is at sleep.
Yes, I got that. I was confirming the "original" post on the Helpless rules.
I read it as you replace the 1d10 from the 1d10+x for the weapons damage with the double-roll.
So a autogun would change its damage from 1d10+3 I to 2d10+3 with the increased chance of Righteous Fury.
I axed the FFGGuys & they responded that you
the roll to the normal damage done by the weapon!
Can I Ax how you Axed them?
Is there a specific e-mail adress used for this purpose?
And as for your clarification, could you clarify further? Do you first roll normal weapon damage (ie 1d10+3) and then ADD another 2d10?
So, which amount of thrones would the two of you like to receive to return my hijacked topic to me?
No thrones, but more ideas to fsck up my munchkins would be appreciated
How would you go about rendering a psyker 'docile' and suitable for transport/interrogation, huh? Torpor is a good start, but a quick Toxic Siphon takes care of that, no?
Darth Smeg said:
No thrones, but more ideas to fsck up my munchkins would be appreciated
How would you go about rendering a psyker 'docile' and suitable for transport/interrogation, huh? Torpor is a good start, but a quick Toxic Siphon takes care of that, no?
Hmmm...okay, deal! I provide you with input & you give me my topic back!
To hold your part of the deal, please open a new topic (about your requested information). I promise to provide the requested options as quick as possible (which might mean: Thursday PM; German Time Zone).
I would just like one Throne, the Golden one.
Allright, now that you've got your thread back, perhaps you'd like to see how your pet little witch would look like if you beefed him up til rank 7 or 8?
Hi everyone,
is there any chance that anybody still has one of the PDF files for "Hezzlesham" on their harddisks? I know, it has been years since I provided them, but I somehow have lost my own copy of my own little creation.
If by any Chance [grendel] somebody [78] does, please [@] send them [] to the email adress I have provided in this line. [if you arenĀ“t an adress grabbing bot, you will get the hint *s*]
Thanks alot!