Any suggestions for Lanni deck for attachement hate and location hate?
Any suggestions for Lanni deck for attachement hate and location hate?
what format?
LCG: compelled by the rock and Chella are good choices.
Standard or legacy, well there are lots more.
I was kind of in hurry when asking the quesion.
So we play old Standart ITE, 5KE + LCG cards. What would you suggest as the best choice. PS. I dont have Iron throne.
Rozy said:
I was kind of in hurry when asking the quesion.
So we play old Standart ITE, 5KE + LCG cards. What would you suggest as the best choice. PS. I dont have Iron throne.
High tide, Hand of the King, Yunkish Pickpocket, Jamie Lannnister (ITE), Fleeing to the wall, compelled by the rock, Support of the kingdom and Chella are my first guess.
Seznal said:
Yup. High Tide, Chella and Fleeing to the Wall are probably going to be your primary location control cards in that format. Chattaya and Castellan of the Rock have some interesting possibilities, too.
ITE-Jaime Lannister, Compelled by the Rock and Weapons at the Door are probably going to be your primary attachment control. If you're willing to play Shield Islands out-of-House, you could "steal" Baratheon's Hefty Tariff/Shield Islands combo.
Weapons At The Door. That's my default attachment hate if I'm not playing Targ. Or running Frozen Solid.
karstark said:
Weapons At The Door. That's my default attachment hate if I'm not playing Targ. Or running Frozen Solid.
Frozen solid isn't legal.
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Rozy said:
You can check the deck now on:
You like very expensive Events. Make way for the Queen is the Lannister Hang the Traitors. You can imagine my opinion.
It is a good event, I like it. But you have to admit that it is more justified here that hang the traitors in stark deck. Not that expansive and I can keep it in my hand better then stark