I can play this solo! This is the part I'm most excited about. I always feel it is a nice touch to have board games able to be experienced solo as well as with a group. Bravo Fantasy Flight Games, Bravo!
One to four players.
I agree, it's nice that FFG took that style of play into consideration. That solo play will be a big selling feature for me, along with the mechanics.
Being able to play any board game Solo is always something that attracts my attention. I desperately lack a group to play with and my wife is hard to impress with any game..
So the fact that FFG made GoW into a 1-4 player game, that's just awesome!
Hopefully they will keep up on this trend, with future releases...
Drenik said:
I can play this solo! This is the part I'm most excited about. I always feel it is a nice touch to have board games able to be experienced solo as well as with a group. Bravo Fantasy Flight Games, Bravo!
This indeed is a very intriguing game mechanics. Can't wait to see this in action.