Dial ticks

By zefert1, in Chaos in the Old World

So I'm a bit confused, is the maximun dial advancement per round 2: One for having any amount of dial tokens and then an additional one for the player with the most dial tokens? Or, do you get one advancement for every token.

Thanks in advance

only 2 maximum as you said

Of course, that's the standard thing. Nurgle's going to further emphasize the difference between "tick" and "token."

Actually, it was the news of Nurgle being able to get five dial advancements that made me doubt my interpretation of two ticks per turn.

Anyway, thanks for a speedy answer.

Unless dictated by another card effect, as we see with Nurgle's new cards in Horned Rat, you generally can only double tick a turn: once for having any tokens and once again for having the most tokens.

Just to make the point clear.

Only a maximum amount of two ticks can be earned from Dial Tick Counters .

Outside of that, if you have the abilities to tick immediately, and the power to feul those abilities, then you can tick as much as you can afford/manage.