Sabotage, Shared Decks, and (possibly) Subversion

By beresford, in Tide of Iron

Can I play a Sabotage card which benefits me on a Shared Deck which currently shows one of my cards on top? (So I can trigger it myself).

Can I subvert the top card of a Shared Deck which is currently Sabotaged in the hope that the next card in the deck will be one of mine and I can therefore trigger the Sabotage myself?

Excelents question. I'm wondering about the exact same thing myself. I find it strange that you can trigger sabotage yourself. You should be able to draw strategy cards without triggering your own sabotage.

the rules seems to allow any player to draw the sabotage cards from shared decks. (there are 3 russians cards that would benefit from this) I guess you can look at it as the russian player has conducted the sabotage already as he has payed the command and was within rage, the drawing of the card just puts the effects into play.

But it is strange that some of the cards sounds as if 'whoever draws this card gets the negative effect' and other spesificly state who does what.