Can they be played at any time?
Like, can I equip one in my Discard Phase?
Can they be played at any time?
Like, can I equip one in my Discard Phase?
Card_Breaker said:
Can they be played at any time?
Like, can I equip one in my Discard Phase?
Nope only action phase.
Okay, because it doesn't clarify when anywhere yet...
So, this means it can't even be equipped in a challenge?
Are you certain it hasn't been clarified yet? I'm pretty sure it's either in the Official Equipment rulings Thread or the full Rules Thread on the old forums...
I suggest moving all rulings from the old forums. *nods*
I'll get on that once my Modly powers are returned to me.
Also, the Comprehensive Rules are going to be posted on the front page of the KH Website sometime next week.
Hello Kingdom Hearts Community' date='As Set III: Light and Darkness introduces a new type of card to the Kingdom Hearts metagame, Equipment, I thought it would be helpful to post the official rules here for now. This is from the Japanese rules and somewhat awkwardly translated. I have cleaned it up a bit to make it a little clearer:
Equipment CardsPlace Equipment Cards on Player Card and Friend Cards to equip them. As long as an Equipment Card is on a Player Card or Friend Cards, that Equipment Card's Attack/Support Value and/or Magic Value will be added.
Once you play Equipment Cards, they will stay on your Player Card or Friend Card unless there is some Card Text effect from other cards that would discard it.
When Friend Cards are discarded, Equipment Cards attached to the Friend Cards are also discarded. Player Card and Friend Cards can equip only one Equipment Card at a time. Some Equipment Cards can only be attached exclusively to some Friend Cards or Player Cards, for example Warhammer and Donald Duck.
*You can keep Equipment Cards in play, even after Friend Cards of the same name are played. For example, if you have a Level 1 Donald Duck in play with Warhammer attached and play Level 2 Donald Duck, the Level 1 Donald Duck card would be discarded, but the Warhammer would not.
I'll post the equipment rules when they're up.
Yeah, those rules don't state when...
I'll post them and ask to have them stickied when I can find them again.
but i dont beleive it is during the action phase only.
It was officially answered in the official Equipment Ruling Post on the front of page of the original forums. Seeing as how that's gone now and Jaffer didn't add it to the new front page I don't have proof for you...but I can assure you...Equipment can only be equipped during the action phase. Now if you want to be difficult and not believe me, then by all means I can email Jaffer and ask him.
Shouldn't we have them posted here anyway? so to answer any and all questions before they are asked.
WayToTheDawn said:
It was officially answered in the official Equipment Ruling Post on the front of page of the original forums. Seeing as how that's gone now and Jaffer didn't add it to the new front page I don't have proof for you...but I can assure you...Equipment can only be equipped during the action phase. Now if you want to be difficult and not believe me, then by all means I can email Jaffer and ask him.
I don't believe you!!!! lol, jk.
Roxas said:
Shouldn't we have them posted here anyway? so to answer any and all questions before they are asked.
Well, we will once they are on the front page with the rest of Comprehensive Rulings.
WayToTheDawn said:
Roxas said:
Shouldn't we have them posted here anyway? so to answer any and all questions before they are asked.
Well, we will once they are on the front page with the rest of Comprehensive Rulings.
I dont know but I emailed jaffer to ask him if he could sticky a copy or let me post a copy to aviod further shrumishes about things involving equipment cards and their playablitly
The equipment ruling PDF is on the support part of the main page, and it does say that you can only equip during your action phase.
Seems stupid to want to equip something during your discard phase.