Intervention and Stalking Hound

By Hellfury, in CoC Rules Discussion

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If the Agency player plays Intervention, could the Yog-Sothoth player put Stalking Hound into play as a response since Intervention is put into play as an Investigator character?

Good Question. Personally, I would say No. you couldn't play Stalking Hound in response to Intervention . I would say Intervention is an event. When you play it, your playing an event. It just happen to have qualities of a character (and act like one).

Ephraim said:

Good Question. Personally, I would say No. you couldn't play Stalking Hound in response to Intervention . I would say Intervention is an event. When you play it, your playing an event. It just happen to have qualities of a character (and act like one).

There lies the rub though (and the reason I brought it up).

Intervention is an event when the resources are paid for, but when the action is activated, "Put Intervention into play as an Investigator character"., thus fulfilling the requirements of the Stalking Hounds response.

Considering how much I <3 Intervention, I'm really tempted to say that nothing bad can happen to me when I play my baby. However, a character is entering play through the triggered effect of a card, no matter if it's played as part of an Event or not. I'd reluctantly say that Stalking Hound can enter play due to Intervention preocupado.gif

Well, you could just play another Intervention for free because of the Stalking Hounds response.

Ofcourse, I will be forced to play yet another Stalking Hound from my discard pile as a response, but thats what you get for playing Agency. lengua.gif

Dont' worry though, Intervention is still miles better than stalking hound toe-to-toe. *CoughBecauseInterventionIsBrokenCough*

Hellfury said:

If the Agency player plays Intervention, could the Yog-Sothoth player put Stalking Hound into play as a response since Intervention is put into play as an Investigator character?

Yes, The Stalking Hound is responding to a character entering play, not a character being played. So it does not matter what kind of card was payed for, as long as a character enters play the SH can respond.