Astartes Eviscerator

By omicron2, in Deathwatch House Rules

I was wondering what the consensus would be on the rules for an eviscerator sized for an Astartes warrior.

I was thinking along the lines of

Astartes Pattern Eviscerator

maintains the special rule of the standard eviscerator.

DMG: 1d10+10 Pen: 5 Special: Tearing, Unwieldy, Felling(1), Special. Wt 20 Req: 25 Renown: Famed

These rules are rather slapped together. I am not sure how balanced it is hence why I am throwing it up here for input. Thanks for any advice.

The thing is, its not entirely clear how common these things should be. Technically, they're not much more complex than a chainsword, just larger/more dangerous. Pretty sure there are some examples of them in use with Astartes, so certainly would allow it.

I would probably make it double the req cost of a chainsword, no renown requirement.

For a stat line, I would combine a sacris claymore with the those of a (chainsword - combat knife), and the negatives of the IHB evisciorator, so something like 2d10 + 8 + SB, tearing, unwieldy, and the IHB special rule.

Felling is pretty cool, but I would save that for a higher req/renown, something along the lines of what you recommend, but add a d10 to it because it is kinda weak for a massive two hander. In that case I would give it a req of something like a powerfist +5. While it is powerful, the two handed nature, combined with the actual threat of hitting yourself with it kind of balance out.

So perhaps reserve felling for a relic version? That may work and may be in line for what I am looking for. Thanks for the feedback I greatly appreciate it.

Here is something: The Frost Blade

The Frost Blade used by the Space Wolves is just a heavily modified Eviserator.

I would stat it like this: Melee, 1d10+6 R Pen 4, Tearing, Unbalanced Req 10

That how I have written it before.
