Supply Points Redemption?

By ShadowClipse, in Fantasy Flight Supply

I'm just getting started with the LotR LCG, and the back of the box indicates the game is worth 5 Fantasy Flight Supply Points. What exactly does that mean and what can I use it for? I've looked all over the site and in the forums, and I also can't figure out what steps need to be taken to redeem these points. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks! cool.gif

I believe you are mistaken in assuming they are some points you can use to redeem something, rather that is the number of packs of sleeves you need to protect the cards.

On the back of the box is a small symbol, with a gray 5 in it. The "5" indicates the number of packs, while the "grey" indicates the type of sleeves. In this case, it is the Standard card game sleeve.

Hopefully this helps. :)

Thanks Jonny,

It has all become clear to me now! It's kinda of funny I thought that was points to redeem toward something. Thanks for the response!

However you can get points on this forum. I have 126 but no idea what I can do with them.

Im wondering this myself...

However you can get points on this forum. I have 126 but no idea what I can do with them.

Dont ask, Points Fairy doesn't like questions :)

From :

"don’t bother asking, it’ll be kept secret"

So if it says you need 5 packs or sleeves? (I'm playing LotR too) is that a pack of 50 or 100?