Toughness versus Banna of da Red Sunz

By Laban Shrewsbury, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hi all. New here and new to the game. Be gentle.

A question arose in our first game last night about whether Toughness can mitigate damage caused by Banna of da Red Sunz (" Each opponent that collects 7 or more resources for his kingdom phase must assign one of those resources as a damage token to a target unit of your choice. ").

Does Toughness cancel this damage ? Is damage being assigned (in which case I guess Toughness would cancel it), or does the "damage token" go straight onto the unit somehow? The word "token" here has put just an ounce of doubt in my mind.

Guessing the damage gets cancelled, but would just like to be sure.

Not sure if that's the official Ruling, but the card tells you to put a damage token on the unit. The way I interpret it is that unless you have effects that cancel putting a token somewhere you can't prevent getting the token and therefore you can't prevent the damage.

To assign something as a damage token means to assign 1 damage, so I don't see why Toughness cannot prevent it. They don't say "move 1 damage", so Toughness works.

Laban Shrewsbury said:

Hi all. New here and new to the game. Be gentle.

A question arose in our first game last night about whether Toughness can mitigate damage caused by Banna of da Red Sunz (" Each opponent that collects 7 or more resources for his kingdom phase must assign one of those resources as a damage token to a target unit of your choice. ").

Does Toughness cancel this damage ? Is damage being assigned (in which case I guess Toughness would cancel it), or does the "damage token" go straight onto the unit somehow? The word "token" here has put just an ounce of doubt in my mind.

Guessing the damage gets cancelled, but would just like to be sure.

Pretty sure the use of "token" means it cannot be cancelled by Toughness, I think assigning a damage token is the same thing as moving damage. If it just said "assign 1 damage to a target unit of your choice" it would definitely be affected by Toughness. Probably a good one to submit to Lukas, as I could see it going either way depending on what they meant when they wrote the card. Let us know what he says.

Why would that distinction be made?

There is already language for uncancelable damage, if that's what they meant why not just say that?

no redirects, same thing.

I think that Budmilka_fr is totally correct in his reading of it. Adding a damage token is the language for how to mark damage taken.

You are right, adding a damage token is the language for how to mark a damage *taken*. Damage dealt = assigned + applied. So by telling you to assign it as a damage token, they are telling you to bypass the cancellation/redirection steps. ...or at least that is one way I could see it being interpreted.

Ok, I was just wrong. You guys are right, its just like any other source of non-combat damage.

From Lukas:

"Damage token" is equivalent to "damage" and can be cancelled or redirected. The card should read "...assign one of those resources as 1 damage to a target unit of your choice."