Excellent Excursiion

By David Spangler, in Rune Age

FFG is really capitalizing on their IP with Terrinoth, as indeed they should. This games sounds like an excellent excursion into the Rune Wars universe. I especially like the fact that there is a solo/co-op version and that players can play out Rune Wars in a fraction of the time it takes to do the board game. The latter is a favorite in my family, but it doesn't get much play due to its length. We're lucky if we can squeeze time out for a two hour game. So it sounds like Rune Age will find a sweet spot in our home.

The only thing I would wish for is that FFG would do for their Twilight Imperium IP what they are doing with Runequest, Rune Wars, etc. A sci-fi deck building game set in the TI3 universe would be awesome.


Within the FFG games I have gotten into, I really dig the Terrinoth thing. I especially enjoy RuneWars. Its been one of my favorite games, supplanting even Starcraft, which is no small thing.

I am starting to look forward to this game.

You know, one thing I wish is that they had done a Terrinoth/Runewars style RPG vice Warhammer Fantasy. (Another game I like to play)

I love how FFG developed the world of Terrinoth, and all the games I've played under it's theme. I love deck building games too, but I did find that it this game style was becoming kind of stagnant with most games being different versions of Dominion. The branching out into different mechanisms, of late, that has been taking place within the deck building style games is very refreshing, and this one looks different yet. I will definitely be getting this soon.