The Current errata rule for Frenzy states that "While Frenzied... you may not parry, retreat or flee. You must use the All Out Attack manoeuvre in Melee combat if possible."
And the Battle Rage Talent say "Despite your frenzied nature, you remain in control when engaging in melee. You can spend reactions to Parry while Frenzied"
The problem with this is that you still have to use All Out Attack, which says "you may not Dodge or Parry until your next turn". So Battle Rage is useless most of the time.
There are 3 possible ways this can work
a) The rules are exactly as written. This is okay, but it make Battle Rage a pretty weak talent for something that can only be gained at very high ranks.
b) With the Battle Rage Talent you can still parry (and possibly dodge), after using All Out Attack. This stays pretty close to the RaW, and fits the idea behind Battle Rage.
c) WIth the Battle Rage Talent you can choose not to use All Out Attack in melee while frenzied. This diverets fromt the RaW a fair bit, but fits the idea of a controled frenzy quite well. Also my perfered options, since it allows for the use of Lightning Attack and The Reaping while frenzied, both of which are better than All Out Attack.