Nyarlazorebec - what will he do about core?

By johnny shoes, in CoC General Discussion

Our notorious scribe, nyarlazorbec, grand master of the deck builder, will have some questions to answer when adding core to our electronic tome of dynamic cross referencing. As comparison, the Arkham and Eldrich Premium reedited and duplicated cards are filtered well. For most of core, this approach will apply. Mostly, a new image pack is not necessary. But for those few core cards that I have repeatedly been highlighting, the answer is not as obvious.

Deckbuilder is perfectly usable when a base set image pops up when looking at the premium counterpart (and visa versa). Similarly, the click box for Errattum/Clarification/Information is sufficient versus adding images of the new fixed text boxes.

The core set cards that won't conform are Triggerman, Torch the Joint, Steve Clarney, Anthropology Advisor, Visiting Author, and Forest Sister. I echo Marius' sentiment about the confusion in considering these six cards.

The answer lies I think in the "reedited / duplicated" filter. But it's not cut and dry like On the Lam and Court of Yhtill, and the other premium-only cards. Or maybe it is. Those six cards are just different.

The simplest way to handle it would be to treat the newly costed or altered artwork cards as new additions to the game, rather than duplicates.

Eight cards and climbing. 18, 23, 25, 26, 40, 67, 125, 143


Thank you for anticipating my future difficulties with the Core Set gran_risa.gif

I would think it is up to FFG to give an official answer to your questions regarding the reedited cards which have substantial changes.

The Deck Builder can deal with both cases.

But think about the fact that, if you consider changed cards as different cards, nothing will prevent to have 6 cards with the same title in the deck...

Anyway, I would first need a decent scan of the Core Set cards to incorporate them into the Deck Builder gui%C3%B1o.gif



FFG may likely not "rule" on card changes. Unearthing the Ancients, now with and without subtype is a good example. It's so close to the same. Triggerman, with "only" an illustrations change, is a similar quandry. The cards with numerical changes and additional icons are obviously different.

Conversely all of them share the characteristic nyarly brings up. They all have the same title as before. Surely FFG wants us to play only three in a deck of the same title. FFG would consider the old and new versions as the same counted toward the maximum per deck. So they are the same card in that case. But are filtered as different.