Aliens at GenCon 2011? (Or, "We come in peace...")

By johnwiser, in Dust Tactics

I was checking out a "Dust Tactics" facebook post and cam across something that I had never read before. This is from Aug. 11, 2010 and posted by Olivier Zamfirescu: "...Russian units will be available later next year. Aliens arrive first, for GenCon 2011."

This being my first GenCon and "Dust Tactics" being my favorite minaitures game, I am SO ready for GenCon 2011. Let`s see, Allies, Axis, and Aliens, oh my!

Game on;


I cant wait to see what they offer at GenCon this year. John did you sign up for the tournament on Saturday? What day did you say you were coming in?


I will be at GenCon Thursday and Friday so no tournament for me (Shazam!) on Saturday. We will be arriving in Indie on Wed. around 4-5 P.M. to check into our hotel and get ready for...GenCon 2011! Can not wait to see and play me some "Dust Tactics". Allies, Axis, and Aliens, oh my!

Game on;


won't the aliens be over powering compaired to the other factions?

The Krieg . . . . oops sorry I mean the Vrill are mentioned in the list of expansions but this list was made before the game moved to FFG so there is no guarantee that they are still planned for release after GenCon11 and that they will be shown for the first time at the convention.

I really hope that I'm wrong but I have the feeling that the Vrill, Russians and aircraft have all been moved back a fair amount of time to bulk out the Axis and Allies armies first.

marcemtp said:

won't the aliens be over powering compaired to the other factions?

There has been a good job so far of keeping the game balanced. So I would assume the Aliens will have their tricks up their sleeves but nothing a good Axis or Allies player wont be able to handle.

Are there any pictures of the aliens from the comics anywhere? I did a google and came up empty.


It has been mentioned by a former coworker and friend of Parente that the similarities between at 43 and dust are based on Parente's artistic style, and the original goal of AT 43 to be what instead Dust became free of Rackham. It is clear to me that there are significant similarities between at 43 models and dust models, so one MIGHT also guess that the Vril are similar to something from that line. The Cog might well be that similarity, as we had other similarities crop up in character design, like the Karmans and Axis battle apes. (Tell me someone doesn;t love gorillas.)

So here's a couple of pics of the Cog, a race I know little about, but found pics of online, perhaps this is something similar to what we'll see with the Vril? Then again, perhaps Parente will leave this one on the drawing board and go somewhere totally different with them.



i could imagine something similar as well, scaled down to a 30mm base though. Cogs have that 'greys' look to them that would work for weird war II stuff.

The last page of the Dust manual lists Operation Downfall (The Vrill Invasion) and Operation Harpoon (Air Strike) as coming after Operation See Lowe.

But lists Operation Paperclip (The Blutkreuz Attacks) as coming before See Lowe.

But I'm new here so what do I know : )

I imagine the Vrill will look something close to this, but maybe not as much detail:


The rest of the pictures and the back story on why this was designed can be found here: Vrill Walker

If this is how a Vrill walker looks like, I don't want to go up against one sorpresa.gif

If that's what the Vril look like, I sure as heck down wanna have to paint that! Talk about complex and detailed sorpresa.gif

Myrnir said:

If that's what the Vril look like, I sure as heck down wanna have to paint that! Talk about complex and detailed sorpresa.gif

Oh my......... I didn't think of that. This is one complex paint job!

That was the model id seen about a year an a half ago for the vril, I hope thats what they'll look like. Can hardly wait to build, paint and blow it up.

Oh, and wait for it, wait for it....


I would like to see some 4 legged human walkers. APCs maybe?


We're still waiting xD

More like hoping, but definitely interested.


I think they flew past the planet and didnt stop.

Realistically, i believe 2012 is the year of the SSU.

The next expansion after Sverograd will probably flesh out the three factions, probably bringing a flying unit to the Axis and/or Allies in the process.

2013 is going to be the year of the Vrill.