I just bought the game and I like it a lot but what do the miniatures add to the game besides visual appeal? Do they really make the game that much better? I ask because there are a lot of games out there that I want to get and if I start collecting the miniatures I can't get booth the new games and the minis. So please help me understand if it really adds a lot to the game or does it just make the game look nicer
are they worth it?
Personally I think they add so much to the game. I liked the game without the minis but am totally addicted with the minis.
I suppose its down to the love of the hobby side of the game. Custom Mats, repainting etc is part of the attraction for me.
Apart from the aesthetics, it you use Altitude and like large games its alot easier and clearer with the minis.
Its not a cheap change though. Better things in life seldom are!......
I just bought two minis (albatross and a spad) so I'll play a game with those two and see if I like it. I'm sure it's better with more minis but you got to start somewhere. I'm kind of hoping I don't like it that much more then just using the cards because getting all those planes is gonna be expensive and I have to wait for a good number of them to come back in print.
Also if you have all the minis is there a point to buying the booster packs? The booster packs seem like they become obsolete if you have the minis.
Wait until you crave the balloons and soon to be available bombers......
Madboyo said:
Wait until you crave the balloons and soon to be available bombers......
The balloons seem pretty cool, although they are quite expensive, but I've only ever seen a shop have one copy of one of the balloon expansions and I'm sure it's gone by now.
Yeah I'm pretty excited for the bombers glad I started playing now with all this new stuff coming out soon. I am really behind on previous stuff though so I've kind of had to drop everything to get my wings of war collection up to speed.
Nexus has said that they will release ww1 series 5 and ww2 series 3. How do they release a new series? do all the planes come out in one month or do they release them in batches?
Also Nexus has said that the ww1 bombers will come out next month does that include the ww2 bombers too? and do they usually release their stuff close together? so when the bombers come out in June can we expect to see something in July and then August? I'm just wondering because with all the stuff they've announced for this back half of the year it looks like I will be dropping everything just to stay afloat with wings of war
For me the minis make the game. I've loved aviation and aerial combat since I was a little kid, but I looked at this game for years before the minis came out and never bought it. I now own at least one copy of everything that have released and run the largest dedicated site to the game!
As for the upcoming releases, the first thing to keep in mind is that Nexus always misses it's release dates for this game. And they tend to miss them by several months
. The bombers are due out next month, but they do not even show up as upcoming products here on FFG... so I'm hoping we see them by Christmas personally.
As a new mini player, I would suggest you start picking up the Series 4 fighters if you have not already. These were just recently released, but already they are getting hard to find (good luck getting Bishop's SE5a these days for less then $50). I would not expect a reprint of them for about two years. Series 1-3 are said to be scheduled for reprint again this year (this is from the CEO of Nexus), so they will be coming back around sometime.
The WWII minis do not seem to be in any danger of going out of stock anytime soon, so you should be safe there.
Good luck on building your collection!
Yeah I've kind of made the switch to collecting the ww2 minis for now because I can actually find all of them.
HMS Hajj said:
As a new mini player, I would suggest you start picking up the Series 4 fighters if you have not already. These were just recently released, but already they are getting hard to find (good luck getting Bishop's SE5a these days for less then $50). I would not expect a reprint of them for about two years. Series 1-3 are said to be scheduled for reprint again this year (this is from the CEO of Nexus), so they will be coming back around sometime.
Found Bishop quite easily. Its the Dr1s and Bakers camel that are just impossible to find without a stupid price tag.
HMS Hajj said:
As for the upcoming releases, the first thing to keep in mind is that Nexus always misses it's release dates for this game. And they tend to miss them by several months
. The bombers are due out next month, but they do not even show up as upcoming products here on FFG... so I'm hoping we see them by Christmas personally.
Is this coming from one time or do they almost always miss their deadlines? I ask this because I'm frantically trying to get all the stuff for the game I can right now and if nexus/ffg starts rolling out all the stuff they have planned for this year next month I'm gonna be in trouble. I'll probably be done catching up by July and If anything is released before that or if they do the reprint before that I'm not sure how I'll catch up and stay on top of this game while still being able to buy things for other games I like.
So here's to hoping the releases are delayed. I know no one else is probably hoping this but I really need that delay to happen haha.
For Wings of War, they miss the deadline every time
For WWI, pick up what you can of Series 4 now. Madboyo says he found Bishop's SE5a easily, but I've not had any luck finding it (I have one for my collection already, just need some for repaints). Then pick up the older series planes that you can find in the stores. I personally would stay way from buying the "rare" planes on eBay. We know they are getting reprinted, so why pay $40+ for a plane you will be able to buy for $12 in the next several months??
You can even get some of the older minis at less then full retail from places like Cool Stuff Inc and Thought Hammer.
Thanks for the info HMS Hajj. Yeah I've been going crazy trying to get all the planes that are available. I would never buy any of them on ebay like you said I can just wait for the reprint. I've tried to order at least one copy of every single plane I can find but I did order two copies of the Pflaz D. lll because it's one of the few single seat German planes that are still available.
Yeah I do shop at coolstuffinc because I need that discount to catch up and I don't have any local game stores that sell this game.
Good deal. You might find this thread helpful.
Madboyo said:
Found Bishop quite easily. Its the Dr1s and Bakers camel that are just impossible to find without a stupid price tag.
I'd like to exhange my Fokker DRI (Richthoffen), my Spad 13 (Baraca), my Camel (Baker) with a Rahn Fokker DRI, a Rickenbacker Spad 13 and an Elwood Camel.
EDIT: Never mind, wrong thread. Too many reply windows open at once!
Do different plane do different thing? Is that why there are so many different one's?
I personally believe they are worth it. Nobody who buys it would regret getting it.
HMS Hajj said:
For me the minis make the game. I''ve loved aviation and aerial combat since I was a little kid, but I looked at this game for years before the minis came out and never bought it. I now own at least one copy of everything that have released and run the largest dedicated site to the game!
As for the upcoming releases, the first thing to keep in mind is that Nexus always misses it''s release dates for this game. And they tend to miss them by several months
. The bombers are due out next month, but they do not even show up as upcoming products here on FFG… so I''m hoping we see them by Christmas personally.
As a new mini player, I would suggest you start picking up the Series 4 fighters if you have not already. These were just recently released, but already they are getting hard to find (good luck getting Bishop''s SE5a these days for less then $50). I would not expect a reprint of them for about two years. Series 1-3 are said to be scheduled for reprint again this year (this is from the CEO of Nexus), so they will be coming back around sometime.
The WWII minis do not seem to be in any danger of going out of stock anytime soon, so you should be safe there.
Good luck on building your collection!
Tks for your sharing. Informations are useful. ^^
HMS Hajj said:
For me the minis make the game. I''ve loved aviation and aerial combat since I was a little kid, but I looked at this game for years before the minis came out and never bought it. I now own at least one copy of everything that have released and run the largest dedicated site to the game!
As for the upcoming releases, the first thing to keep in mind is that Nexus always misses it''s release dates for this game. And they tend to miss them by several months
. The bombers are due out next month, but they do not even show up as upcoming products here on FFG… so I''m hoping we see them by Christmas personally.
As a new mini player, I would suggest you start picking up the Series 4 fighters if you have not already. These were just recently released, but already they are getting hard to find (good luck getting Bishop''s SE5a these days for less then $50). I would not expect a reprint of them for about two years. Series 1-3 are said to be scheduled for reprint again this year (this is from the CEO of Nexus), so they will be coming back around sometime.
The WWII minis do not seem to be in any danger of going out of stock anytime soon, so you should be safe there.
Good luck on building your collection!