What creature fix for this idea???

By arnora2, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Hello All ^^

I'm new in this forum and i'm going to start my first DH campaign!!!!

I will start with something more normal that make my players get the mechanics and feeling of the world and then, for the 3rd module, i have a big idea (as my husband loves this kind of plot and we have never played one). I want a terror "alien, the 8th passenger" or "dead space" like module. You know, big starship appears from warp full of nasty alien monsters ^^ and everyone is dead or turned into horrible things......

So what monster do you think fix better in this story???or some idea that can help me???

As i told i'm new in the Warhammer 40k world and in the game so some help will be very appreciate and needed :) ))))))).

Thank you very much and i'm sorry for my english but i haven't my traslator here in work.

Hi there,

one question, what is your "native language"? We are a lot of "foreigners" here, perhabs some is able to answer in the language you know best ;)


If you are looking for nastie aliens inside a space hulk, the infamous genestealers are a natural choice. Since they are a "standard monster" and a fan favorite, you should be able to find a lot of fan article and descriptions in the internet about ist (german expression: "Symbiont")
This monster are very akin to the "Alien" from the SciFi-Series "Alien" (with Mrs. Weaver)

Orcs are another standard alien menace known to use hulks for transport. But they are a "intelligent" (but barbaric and warlike) race, not "beasts".

The crew could have turned into mutants , terrible derranged and driven insane by the warp. Perhabs some survivors are left on board, huddling in secured areas trying to fend of the now-mutant crew members. This scenario leaves you/your group with some npc to talk with (instead of simply shooting anyone).
In addition, mutants are only limited by your imagination and the core rule books provides you with sample mutations and sample mutants.

If the ship has been borded by some kind of heretic tech worshipper cult, perhabs the crew has been turned into servitores , the halve-machines the imperium uses instead of "real robots". Of course, their would be a lot of "crazed battle servitors", ready to give your players a good scrap. Think "Virus" or "Star Trek Borg", but much less advanced and more savage.

And their is always a reason to turn a whole crew into zombies . If you like zombies, you will know 1001 ways to do it ^^.

Gregorius21778 said:

If the ship has been borded by some kind of heretic tech worshipper cult, perhabs the crew has been turned into servitores , the halve-machines the imperium uses instead of "real robots". Of course, their would be a lot of "crazed battle servitors", ready to give your players a good scrap. Think "Virus" or "Star Trek Borg", but much less advanced and more savage.

And their is always a reason to turn a whole crew into zombies . If you like zombies, you will know 1001 ways to do it ^^.

Heck, if you go the tech heresy rout, you can use the one and only creature to be released to the general prublic from Creatures Anathema, the Bronze Malifect. Former crews turned into corpses drug around by their limbs, large monstrosities of even more limbs...


Thanks for the answer gregorius. You gave me a lot of ideas!!!!!!

I'm Spaniard so..spanish ^^.

Genestealer...seems like the nasty thing i'm looking for...since i was looking for something as "Ripley" eternal enemy ;) )) . I'll start looking for some genestealer info ( by the way "symbiont" in german is "simbionte" in spanish...quite similar).

Orks don't fit for the idea i have in mind, because i wanted some bestial, non inteligent, uggly and disgusting monster. Anyway if thinking in an inteligent race i prefer Dark eldars :D - ( and that makes me thing something... why we girls love dark elves so much ???? U_U.. ehem...)

The mutants idea is very good too!!!!!!!!!As i could make some diferent mutants and monsters will be diferent one from anothers...mmm interesting!!! And the robot-thing monsters are cool too.... uhh....too much ideas and only one space hulk :) ))

i'm going to read about genestealer in first place ^^

By the way...who don't like zombies?????? everbody must like zombies...they're cool and nasty ^ ^.But is not what i have in mind for this module.

I can't wait for the moment when in a dark starship only with red blinking emergency lights my players listen the "beep beep" sound from movement detector......and someone screams "estan en todas partes!!!!!" ( that what is said in alien 2 when marines are surrounded...i don't know the original phrase in english but it will be translated as...(they're everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!) muahahahahah :D

You'll find rules for genestealers here. www.darkreign40k.com/xenos/2.html

Indeed, the Dark Reign 'threats' section has all manner of nasties for you to throw at your players! www.darkreign40k.com/threats/index.php

Oh, and of course Santiago's excellent downloadable Genestealer Cults fan-supplement here www.darkreign40k.com/downloads/dark-reign-supplements/index.php


Other info sources here



thank you :) )))

with all those pages i have a lot of info ^^

Now comes my next question...

How is the interior of a space hulk???

Are de doors electronic or more like a ww II submarine ???? X_X


Arnora said:

Now comes my next question...

How is the interior of a space hulk???

Are de doors electronic or more like a ww II submarine ???? X_X


Take your pick...



Essentially, these are places to let your imagination run wild, so parts of the Hulk will have power. Parts will be derelict and open to the Void. Parts will be Eldar tech, parts Necron, parts Imperial, parts, well, whatever you like.

You should also reconsider what your "hulk" was

Is your hulk the wrack of only one ship or is it the typical warp-shaped behemot made up of different ship wrecks & asteroids mashed together?

While their does not seem to be any "ultimate truth" to this matter, I normaly rule the the doors are electric but can be sealed manually (like naval ships). After all, a crew would like to be able to close doors in the case of boarding,,,even in a section that was damaged so bad the automatic is malefunctioning.

So, which way did you hulk turned out to be? I would be really interested in how you going to play (or "have played") it out happy.gif


We haven't played this yet. We're starting our New DH campaign by now.

Now I have an assasin and a guardsmen ^^'' ( they want action as i expected).

Since i have a little more time to prepare the adventure i've thinking that my hulk will be an imperial starship.

I have two ideas by now...

1. An imperial starship merchant or somethin like this

2. And the idea i like more....An inquisitorial starship. One from an inquisitor of the Xenos order (since a friend has give me the Xenology book ^^and it give me the idea). I thought that this could be an scientific inquisitorial starship. You know, they search from xenos and make investigations about them ( authopsy and something like this).... but obviously something got wrong and many nasty genestealer they were studing free from jail and....Now the starship has exit from the warp after years dissapeared

Like this i could let some clues and scientiscs documents across the starship for the players that new nothing about W40k world :) )

Do you like the idea??

Like it! *g* Their are some general maps for a light cruiser class ship around on the download page of this site. Perhaps you will find them helpfull


Besides this prison ship, you will be able to find more inspiration for 40K ships on this really neat web site.

Yes :D

I've just find this page and....it's great for me ;) .

Thanks for the advice :D