Of units, developments and actions

By GrumpyStranger, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Situation: a unit is put into play as a development. That unit has an 'when this unit leaves play, do X' action.

1. is this card still considered to have this action after it is destroyed/sacrificed as a development, ie. can it trigger this action in this case?

2. Does sacrificing/destroying said developed unit trigger any 'when one unit leaves play, do Y' actions from other cards in play?

Example: I play Ungor Raiders (When this unit leaves play, destroy target development) as a development, which is subsequently destroyed. Can I trigger this action? Additionaly, can I trigger the action on Desecrate Temple (action: when one chaos unit you control leaves play, destroy target development) in this situation, giving me a total pick of 2 developments to destroy?

1. I guess No since it is a development when it leaves play and has no Action that could be triggered in this form. Might work with Actions that are triggered when it enters discard pile.

2.No since it isn't a unit when it leaves play it can't trigger Actions that are triggered by units.

Makes sense I guess. The dwarf one made me wonder, but then it's explicitly stated 'when one of your units enters the discard pile'. How about when the development is under the effect of bolt of change, so it is technicaly a unit. Would it then trigger desecrated temple? What kind of loyalty symbol would it have in this circumstances anyway? Neutral?

Since it counts as a unit while "changed" it should trigger the temple. But it would only trigger Actions that are triggered when a unit enters Discard pile if it is a unit card that was used as a development.

Hmmm Neutral i guess or maybe Tomb Kings since developments don't have anything but this nice skull on it ;)

I asked a similar set of questions to Lukas about developments entering and leaving play, here is his response:

When a card is played, it enters play as a specific type of card, ie unit, support, quest or development. Being a development negates all other aspects and abilities of the card, but the card itself still has memory of when it entered play. When it is flipped by Rip Dere Heads Off, it is changing type from development to unit, but it is not entering play.

On the other hand, with Stand Your Ground, the development leaves play and when it hits the discard pile it reverts back to its 'natural' state as a unit. Stand Your Ground has two requirements: that the card hit the discard pile this turn, and that the card is a unit. So once the card hits the discard pile, it reverts to being a unit and therefore fulfills both requirements for Stand Your Ground.