Flight stand replacements

By Truck2, in Wings of War

Can you get replacement flight stands for 1 & 2 seater aircraft and if so where???????????

Is there a flight stand for Bombers, Ive been given a Gotha bomber and need a flght stand for it

If you are missing a stand from a purchase, FFG typically will send you a replacement. If you have lost/broken a stand or are just looking for extra stands, have a look at my Aerodrome Accessories stands. I'm currently out of stock of them, but expect them in again around the end of the month.

I also have a Gotha stand that has been prototyped and will go into production towards the end of the month as well. Here is a pic of it:

Skytres Gotha on Aerodrome Accessories stand

Check these out.


Also has option for adding a little more flair to the game.


More info available here .