quick rules question> Claude

By Mandalorian-M2, in Anima: Tactics

hey there everyone,

just had a quick rules question about Claude's ability 'CROSS COUNTER'

it states: +4attack / -2 Defense

question in mind: i understand the +4 attack, BUT does the (-2 Defense) signify a negative to CLAUDE, OR a negative affect when attacking a target model?

thanks for anyones help

The -2 Defense applies to Claude's Defense while the Counterattack is resolved.

Normally with a Counterattack, you make a regular Dodge roll. If you aren't hit, you can make a normal Attack at -2 Attack.

With Claude's Special Counterattack, he makes a Dodge roll, but his Defense is reduced by 2. Even if he is hit, he still gets to make an Attack afterwards, at +4 Attack.

One must also note that the usual modifiers for a Basic Ability still apply to Special Abilities. The Attack made as part of a Counterattack gets a -2 Attack penalty. This combines with Cross Counter's +4 Attack modifier, so the Attack part of Claude's Counterattack will actually be at +2.