A simple question but driving me crazy!!!

By tcabril, in Death Angel

I travel for work and I picked up Death Angel as a little solitaire game I can play in the hote room.

So far I like the game and its components but I do have a question and it is driving me nuts!!!

I understand how to set up the initial Blip piles but (and I may be very stupid here) when genestealers are spawned it makes no sense.

Which Blip Pile do the genestealers spawn from and which side to they spawn to?

I had thought that when looking on the Event Card's activation area the spawn icon on the left when on the left and the spawn icon on the right when on the right.

However - example on page 23 has both icons from the event card spawning on the right side of the formation.

I have been reading and re-reading the rules and all the cards and I am probably missing somethin really simple but I cannot figure this out.


Let's use this Event as the example:


Yellow triangles (as opposed to white) mean major spawn each. You do the boxes from left to right, so Orange is first. Check the formation, any Orange Terrain? If so, major spawn on each Orange Terrain. Which blip pile depends on which side of the formation the Orange Terrain is. If it's on the right, then the right BP, if on the left, left BP. IIRC, you can have Orange on both sides (or could have two Orange on one side), then you'd spawn from both right and left piles, as appropriate. Once you've done the Orange, next box is major spawn on Green. Repeat the steps, any Green, if so, spawn from the blip pile on the side Green Terrain is in the formation. Finally, move spawns with the Claw icon.