Organized play in Finland (Uusimaa)

By chemiisoyo, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Guys! Girls! If you see this ad it means you are interested with AGoT, means you are thinking to find people who play it, thinking of joining some group who regularly gathers.

This is what I'm doing myself. I am looking for people who are enthusiastic about AGoT, who decided for themselves that this game is worthy to devote time and efforts. Do not be shy. Do not think you play not well. Come. Let us perfect in the game together. It's more interesting.
We have place for AGoT. This is Lautapeliseura's clubhouse. Its location is quite convenient, next to Leppävaara train station (just 14-17 min depending on train from Rautatieasema, Helsinki). You will not feel lonely or neglected because atmosphere is friendly and welcoming.
There's 2e fee that comes to Lautapeliseura's kassa. Everyone pays including myself and these fees allows Lautapeliseura to exist, collect games for its members, arrange game conventions and get 10 percent discounts for you (if you're a member) when you buy games in Finnish game shops.
As for AGoT you know this game is amazing, deep and full of surprises. But it will never shine until each of us find strength to make step towards each other. Come. You are welcomed.
Just write me to agot.finland(at) and we agree how and when to meet. If you can't come (live outside of Uusimaa, have no time right now), but are still interested with AGoT white me anyway. Let us keep in touch. For sure we'll have events in the future that will be interesting for you.